Now, would you vote like you're NOT one of those people?

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I'm worried about Tony. Better check under your car for a while.

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Ta, MM. You have a week, too.

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McCarthy is a flaming fucking idiot and a general asshole. So is Chrirsty Noem. Right wing nut jobs are all the same. They will all kiss the stanky fat orange ass of Der Fuherer wanna be. He will eventually throw them under the bus to try and save himself. Most likely he will lose. That is because he is a loser.

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You look at their disordered thinking and have to be terrified about the millions of people who listen to them and say, "Yeah, that makes a lot of sense." I know humans have neuroreceptors for "stupid," but this is unreal.

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Maybe they'll have their come-to-Jesus moment when they are utterly destroyed in the '24 elections and decide that it's time to move on from Donald Trump and let the next generation of Republican leaders step up.

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They have lost in the past and said, I kid you not, "We just weren't conservative enough."

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Unless of course they win, in which case they have a send-to-Jesus moment for the rest of us.

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Why does Norm look like she's on a Vogue shoot versus a serious leader?

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An understandable error. Most people in SD are named "Norm."

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I am somehow thinking Melania will nix whole Kristi thing but then again, she might pave the way for busting the prenup

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Trump's transactional as fuck. All the women vying to be his VP do realize they'll have to fuck him to get the nod, right?

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Now, THAT is what I call "dirty politics."

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“GONZALES: Look, Matt Gaetz, he paid minors to have sex with them at drug parties. Bob Good endorsed my opponent, a known neo-Nazi. These people used to walk around with white hoods at night. Now they're walking around with white hoods in the daytime.”

Dude, it’s your party, not mine. Clean your own shit up.

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Right? Like maybe that should make him reconsider some things, like why his party is so welcoming of sex pests and nazis?

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To his credit, at least he is speaking up.

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I’ll reserve judgement until he proves he’s not another “my party is full of deviants and crooks but at least they’re not woke socialists” Republican

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Fair enough.

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Schrödinger’s Consession…

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Re: Noem…There is an Atlantic article on how DNA testing is proving that incest has happened far, far more than anyone ever dreamed. 🤮 I am not surprised …..but Holymotherofgod…wtf…and a host of expletives cannot even begin to deal with itl

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Well, if you are of European heritage at all you're a descendant of Charlemagne.

That guy got around.

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A high school friend dated this girl all through school. Their senior year, they actually talked about getting pregnant so their parents would have to allow them to get married.

It never happened, but it was after that discussion that they found out they shared a common great something-or-other relative.

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Kevin who? Was he in Congress or something?

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Tell him to go get his shine box.

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Some out of work actor. Scott Baio type.

I think he was in some sitcom with a puppet.

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Republican Gonzalez should realize that acting like your shit don't stink is REALLY rich and that he is known for the company he keeps. Lie down with dogs and wake up smelling like dogshit.

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Lay down with cats and you get up smelling better than you did before.

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But everyone sneezes when they meet you

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Hey Gonzo!

Let's talk about Nixon's Southern Strategy.

Or Reagan's Cadillac-driving welfare queen.

Or George H. W. Bush's Willie Horton.

Or George W. Bush's radical Muslim extremist.

Or Donald Trump.

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He didn't say he didn't LIKE serving with scumbags.

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It can be entertaining in the military (I was Army, 1980-84), but I do NOT like to see it in Congress. Like the strippers at the NCO club in Monterey.

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Right? There's all the financial benefits and acting like a collaborator and footstool for the Republicans appeals to his humiliation fetish.

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There’s serious money in being One Of The Good Ones

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Ew. What a contemptible toady. Can't play on both sides of the fence and be respected by either the fascists or by us.

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What, are all the Democrats in church services all morning on Sunday?

I guess that's why only the good, Christian Republicans are the only ones invited on these weekly shitfests on Gawd's day.

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The GOPers assume the Dems are all either at the schul or a drag queen show.

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The whole point of no-exception abortion bans is to protect the rights of patriarchal rapists to rape women and keep them pregnant. I call these laws Rape Enforcement Acts.

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First off, Hillary Clinton did publicly state that she called President-elect Trump to congratulate him. That's not "publicly admitting she lost"?



Secondly, yes, Trump SHOULD go on trial for fraud for signing payoff checks to 2 ladies to be quiet fearing press coverage would ruin his opportunity to become the POTUS and one payoff check to the Doorman at Trump Tower (Dino Sajudin, got 30k). Stephanie Clifford (Stormy got $130k for one night of sex with that shitstain). Karen McDougall (Playboy Bunny, had a 9 month affair with Trump while his wife was pregnant with Barron, she received $150k). ALL this $ going out and he did nothing wrong? As well, his own CFO went to Prison for hiding those payments, which the CFO ADMITTED IN COURT were for the payoffs his buddy (David Pecker) at the National Enquirer and its parent company, American Media Inc. And Michael Cohen went to prison for lying to Congress. Trump's up next and it's now his turn!

McCarthy and every GOP Rep is DE-lusional to believe non of this ever happened and it was for Cohen's "legal services"? Odd that his own CFO (Weisselberg), Cohen, Pecker, Clifford, McDougall and Sujudin ALL say Trump paid them to shut the fuck up, so he could steal the Presidency. But that's not enough evidence for every other Republican on this planet?

The District Atty will ask Karen McDougall to explain the timeframe and places that she met with Trump during the 9 months Melania was pregnant w/Barron. She once wrote on the back of her coat: “I REALLY DON'T CARE, DO U?” We'll see if she cares now!!

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Mel waited too long. Sure, she can break the prenup now and divorce him and make him pay, but she's at the end of the line.

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The Rethug ability to make excuses for Trump is insane.

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Yes, it really is beyond absurd. McCarthy is about as equal a dipshit as Mike Johnson. They both kiss Trump's smelly ass. Melania lives in denial about the whole pay-off crap and his affairs. She renegotiated the Pre-Nup and got millions more for Barron. If there's anything left. And why did she renegotiate a Pre-Nup if he didn't do anything wrong?

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Can PAB even pronounce "Kristi Noem"?

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You get practice by saying: "Marjorie Taylor Gnome."

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Sure he can. Her name pronunciation rhymes with "Wussy".

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Kristi Noem is both evil AND stupid - it's almost impressive! I do love that she's been banned from like seven reservations for being The Worst, and also racist af.

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