Is it possible to be at once both sagacios and sanguine? Has it ever been?Yes, if one is absolutely devoid of empathy [and] sympathy;Yes, if one is innocently ignorant.But can wisdom and Yes and Yes coexist? Have they ever?

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Shame on you for revealing Wonkette's mission statement. And they say HILLARY was careless with classified information. And trust me, I'm only here for the babby pictures (I know, HA!)

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:) Nah, I just remember seeing the "sometimes food" thing and going wtf? It wasn't like they couldn't just ask us now-grown kids what we'd thought.

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Yeah! We may be old but we're not quite dead yet.

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I think that was Kegels/ice, ice baby. Maybe I should stay away from tech for another 13 hours... Focus, dammit@ (enhoance, enhance . . . )

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I hope I haven't said anything more stupid than usual. Inebriation and stupidity have taken hold of me. I miss my baseline and my loverfriend Amber who illed herself 20 7earys ago today and I mayb e slighltly drunk at themoment. Fuck.

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when she turns into a teenager, i wonder how miserable she will make you over all of these videos, and pics on the intertoobes? you just know she will die of embarrassment, and take you with her.

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Berry Gordy.

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Calm yourself. Have a dippy egg and some toast.

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I'm confused: Does the team gain points or lose points by picking up a virulent case of dysentery, the virus that has been floating around just waiting for the right opportunity?

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"Look at the camera and say, "Hi, Vlad. Glad you could join us."

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I'm going to have to guess that you're not a parent.

The kids die of embarrassment and the parents chortle and snork while trying to control themselves.

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i've been a step parent. i know how evil a 14 year old girl can be. "you're not my father, and i don't have to listen to your dumb ass!" a direct quote, after i told her to pick up the mug she threw at her brother, and apologize to him. she didn't do either one, and i had to go out and sit in my truck so i didn't do something i would regret.

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"Ammber"? I don't know if I should trust someone who can't even spell their roommate's name correctly, Elizabeth. :(

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I realize this will all be Wonkette Baby's one day.

Are you teaching her snark yet?

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