If he were the guest of honor.

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Love the photo of Robert Plant and an unnamed guy helping a clearly stoned Jimmy Page down the stairs. But Liza doesn't look any more wasted than Mischa does in that photo you mentioned. (Meaning they both look like they're off their asses!)

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Hey, I used to keep snex. Big ones. Drew the line at Republicans, though.(Apologies to snex for the unsavory company.)

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Yeah, I'm going to see if I get an answer to my email. Otherwise, I'll use the warranty to get my money back, and try another brand. My old one was an ASUS, and it worked well for quite a few years before pooping out.

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After all, it's not Mississippi

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And Jose Andres and his team, who are there feeding people.

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Is that some sort of wading pool Donna Rose is relaxing in?

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Who knows. But I have been using "Cletus" as a more PC way of refering to MAGAts and people love it. Especially Southern Black people. So Pro-tip!

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Hey conservatives! Obama was right.

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Once a bootlicker, always a bootlicker.

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Of all the "celebrities partying at Studio 54" photos, this one has intrigued me for decades. https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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That was the theory.

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He was talking about his “yooman” response to the allure of power. The podcast host, Virginia Heffernan, held his feet to the fire, metaphorically, and he owned up to being embarrassed by his brief DT cheerleading stint, although it was evident that it was a very painful admission and he occasionally just went to full on asshole defensiveness. Still, we can use all the converts we can get, I suppose.

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This reminds me: I miss the original Top Gear program. The one that arose from the ashes is moronic.

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OMG, we have a Zodiac inflatable - can we visit?! Beautiful property!

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I was watching a match on a Spanish channel when I was in the ER. I don't speak any Spanish, but I'm not stupid...I muted the sound and watched it anyway. Still was able to follow everything.

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