the lucky ones figure it out. some never do, and drown in denial.

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and that's after he killed universal healthcare, mainstreamed 'academic' racism and suggested that anyone who opposed Bush's war should be treated as a traitor.

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Beautiful. Just- beautiful. Of course I'm tearing up.I recently got a corneal transplant. Went from legally blind to not needing glasses, in one eye (the other one I'll have done soon). I've never had such good vision. Thanks to Obamacare.I was fearful the donated cornea came from a Republican, but I seem to be as prog-lib as ever. Heartfelt thanks to him or her.

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You missed my favorite story that had me laughing so hard that milk came out my nose, about Katie Tur's book and who was horning on her. Read it and howl!

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Frankly, his color stuff was so weird and other worldly that it kinda blew one's mind. It's how I first realized he was color blind. He also does these amazing pen and ink cartoons, and we would tell him don't worry about the color stuff, but he felt he needed to have the same color perception as everyone else. I also do not believe that everyone sees color the same, anyway. I know that I have always seen turquoise as a blue, and nearly everyone I know describes it as green, for instance, and I am absolutely convinced that I see colors that other people don't see.

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I could also be crazy, tbh. Just full disclosure here.

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If you can see clearly, then you definitely didn't get a Republican cornea.

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Bless your precious heart. Congratulations.

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That precious heart might be the next thing to go! But sincere thanks for your blessing of me, all or in part (the part being the heart).

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This is wonderful, and I can relate. Five years ago I had cataracts removed and replaced by lens implants in both eyes. The surgeries were done three weeks apart, and the first morning I got up after both lenses were in, I stood at the kitchen sink and saw brilliant colors for the first time in years. And individual tree leaves became visible from over a block away, and I just stood there and got all teary eyed over the joys of nature and science.I hope dad is having a blast at the imax, and having the times of his life all over again. What a lovely family. Happy birthday, Dad! Now you can really enjoy the family photos.

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Well, ok then. I think I will drink now.

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Take a number and have a seat.

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Daddy, what's a breadbox?(We had one on the counter when I was a little 'un.

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And then the murders began.

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