I don't think that's why they pee. People say lots of things to explain their dogs' misbehavior. Sometimes they just don't understand dogs can be trained or that dogs should be trained. Or that dogs have tendencies but, so what? Because that's a terrible trait! And dogs hate to be that way, even if they aren't being scolded for it.

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True. But if you think about it, 95% of the people in the world are happy to just get up in the morning and go out and do whatever they have to do to make it through the day and hopefully provide a bit for the future, and the other 5% are driven to get rich no matter what they have to do to achieve that, or to take over the world, or to save humanity, or to write the world's greatest symphony, or solve the world's energy problems, or to run for high political office. One could see that 5% as being exceptional, or one could see them as being somehow flawed. They are certainly different. Maybe being flawed is a side product of being exceptional. I really don't know, I'm just shooting shit off the top of my head here.

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He is the WORST. A walking incitement to riot.

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Russian mafia money


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Dictator chic

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Yep.It seems that sometimes, the great ego and charisma that makes these people wonderful politicians also makes them deeply flawed.

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Sorry, fixed!

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No I have an 8 second attention span.

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see also: https://www.cbc.ca/news/can...I am an ex-Ontarian but I feel like this kind of stuff is turning up more and more, especially now that Dougie-boy is 'in charge'

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Yes, I noticed that. And is old, from the gray muzzle. Well, it happens to us all.

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Isn't "White Sharia" what we already had for the past 5000 years? It was called Patriarchy.

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"Rudy Giuliani: Lying Or Stupid? Stupid Or Lying?"

Come on, Wonkette, that's the Con's motto. (Not that he doesn't possess a certain low cunning that I associate with the limbic/lizard brain.)

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Maybe a hungry 24 ft. anaconda would solve his issues.

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We are all flawed, some more deeply than others. JFK was also deeply flawed, perhaps in the same way, and both he and Bill made a lot of good things happen. JFK would have done more if he had only had more time. I certainly never thought Lyndon Johnston would turn out to be such an effective President, because he was deeply flawed too, but he did.

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Isn't that what they use for the herringbone pattern?

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