No, you're spot on. He makes my flesh crawl.

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So under the Romney/Ryan plan, health insurance exchanges will be encouraged. The Republicans in Missouri are all squawking about refusing to set up the exchanges under the ACA. Tap-dancing to follow, I imagine.

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Drat. <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/480764\/meet-your-new-vice-presidential-candidate-the-one-and-only-historys-greatest-monster-paul-ryan#IDComment419848217" target="_blank">It's a competitive field. </a>

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Or minutes afterward ... Paul Ryan is Private Ryan's brother.

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Explains why he's a gym rat ... he knows the system sucks, and he plans to make it worse.

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So, when do I get my cake?

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I'm surprised it's not higher....like 100% across party lines.

Ryan is a good pick for Romney because Romney needed someone who was going to be specific on the issues and to help shore up "the base" (conservatives), and Democrats think Paul Ryan is a giant douchebag and can't wait to trash him in speeches and on TV. It's a total win-win.

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Let the games begin!

Paul Ryan, may we see your birth certificate? College transcripts? Tax returns? Have you ever run a business? Can you see Russia from your living room?

Take your time...we'll wait.

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I'm especially looking forward it, since Battlin' Joe won't be handicapped this time with "go easy on her because she's a girl."

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I can't wait for the explanation why Budget Committee Chairman is valuable executive experience, but Biden's chairmanships of both Foreign Relations and Judiciary committees was not.

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I see what you did there.

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I hate him because "Ryan's Hope" was a crappy soap opera.

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I wouldn't mind Ryan if his candidacy wiped out the memory of Palin. But no such luck. They're just creating another teabagger Frankenstien monster that will become another Fox/wingnut mouthpiece for the next 4 years.

The good news is Mitt is screwed. He knows it. We know it. Even Ann Coulter, Malkin and the Red Staters know it. The only one who doesn’t seem to know it is Peggy Noonan. Mainly because she hasn't sobered up since Reagan's funeral.

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