Hey, if you need an analytics app to compare share numbers, here's some free code for you to use:

if a > b then print a else print b

Just put a wrapper around that, and you're good to go.

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In my defense, you can hardly blame me for thinking that Dok is a genius who knows everything.

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that looks foreign- are you some sort of terrist?

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The Forces of Big Sodomy sounds like a really awesome Village People tribute act.

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What's a "ytics app"?

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today my actual - real time, live - community (the chicago theatre community) lost someone who should not have left us this early. in a freak tragic accident.

we are so very sad.

wonkette has been my VIRTUAL community since about 2005 so i wanted to cross those streams and pay tribute to a gorgeous woman. RIP molly, you will be so missed.

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thank you negropolis. she was struck by a TREE while biking on a bike path in chicago suburbs. just crazy.

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Indeed...I would hear about the goings-on in court and think "wow, that's really a low blow for the prosecut....oh, that's the defense".

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I mean, really, who among us hasn't accidentally set themselves on fire while lighting a cross?

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Rob isn't that old.

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<i>they’d wasted the Border Patrol’s time by reporting a bunch of wildlife biologists who were surveying the local bat population</i>

And added new meaning to the term "bat shit crazy"

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Is it somehow still surprising that a woman who was a DC-NFL-Franchise cheerleader has a low opinion of herself?

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You only use that term because you have the typical Anglophone's <a href="http:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2014\/09\/07\/opinion\/sunday\/how-culture-shapes-our-senses.html\?module=Search&amp\;mabReward=relbias:r,{" target="_blank">weak ability to differentiate odors.</a>

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"... a bunch of wildlife biologists who were surveying the local bat population." I trust they added in the militia dolts.

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ROFL <a href="http:\/\/littlegreenfootballs.com\/article\/43812_BREAKING!_New_Photos_of_Jim_Hoft_Discovered-_Throwing_Gang_Signs_Brandishing_Weapons" target="_blank">bite me, SMOTI</a>

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