Huh. I assumed no mistake or algorithm was involved, they are just staffing joe Rogan loving nazi sad men who didn’t like being called out

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fuck the algorithms that want to run my life.

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When will kitties that look like Hitler be reinstated?

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I, for one, welcome our robot overlords.

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It's unfair to blame Gershwin.


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My thought exactly.

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Al Gore Rhythm? That's a thing?

Or is it al-gorithm, a Muslin virus?

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It is Al's baby, you knew they were gonna immortalize him somehow.

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I can see a computer making a mistake, but do they let them handle the appeals too? That's the part I don't get. If it screwed up the first time, I don't see how it's going to know it was wrong without human intervention at the appeals stage.

It seems like they're hoping to weed out those who will just lie down and accept that their appeal was denied because they think a human being reviewed the original decision, when that doesn't actually happen unless you make a big public stink about it. That way real people don't have to handle as many cases.

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