I think the idea is you are not allowed to even come close to instigating violence.

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He gets spare parts from disappeared immigrant kids.

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I didn't attend the funeral but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.---Mark Twain---

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And his hideous sister, as well.

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Including their hats.

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And all I got was the bill.

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Robyn forgot the word that must follow "good" in her statement about him. The word is "riddance." Adding "to bad trash" is optional (maybe, maybe not). When you spend your life and your fortune causing more harm than good, you do not deserve praise. In this case "the evil that men do lives after them" applies to this man as much as others of his ilk.

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I saw David at a social event a year or two ago. He was frail even then. I’m sorry he died before he could renounce the damage the Kochs did to politics and the environment. Now Charles has the opportunity Scrooge had in The Christmas Carol. May David haunt him like Jacob Marley.

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The Koch brothers seem to be the perfect embodiment of the Duke brothers in Trading Places.

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I didn't even comment and I still feel contrite.

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To quote Jack Nicholson in Batman..."you were a vicious bastard...and I'm glad you're dead." Imagine having 8 decades of virtually unlimited wealth TO MAKE THE WORLD BETTER and just help people everyday. That's a fantasy I have. Why on Earth that man didn't remind himself everyday that THIS day was coming, and that he would NEVER run out of money. He didn't need to set climate research and solutions back decades by fighting to protect his precious billions. He was a billionaire many times over. I'm glad he did give money to charitable causes, that's something to recognize and for him to be proud of. But to pump millions into causes that frustrate environmentalism and make the wealth gap larger, was a deeply misguided way to spend his time above ground. Now it's over. What would his bottom line have looked like had he not spent a dime fighting climate change progress? I suspect he would have died much that same, with billions and billions, but the world may have been cleaner and healthier for everyone else.

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No one mentions that his dad, Fred, and, therefore, Koch Industries, got their start by building oil refineries for Stalin in the 30's.

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Why hasn't someone pushed forward a law, or even a potential one, that prohibits lying to or misleading the public? Just kidding. We all know why.

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I think it was no coincidence they look like that.

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I gather it was prostate cancer, and if that gets into the bone, it hurts like hell. Good. I only wish he could have lived with the intractable pain and knowledge that he was dying, for a few decades longer. Even then, he wouldn't have come close to the amount of pain he has gifted the human race with.

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