Question. If humans are essentially rotten, then what's the point of any society, since any government will just be composed of rotten people? If you think people are inherently scum, then your choices are to be a nihilist cynic, or a religious bigot who thinks God has to be in control (via a clique of theocrats, in practice).

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That's what I had thought, but something about the way this is all going down makes me think he's actually serious. For someone only into it for the Benjamins, he's trying way too hard to sound like a contender.Then again, in our post-Palin age, who can bloody tell any more? *sighs*

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Debbie Wasserman Schultz / Wendy Davis 2020?

or Debbie Wasserman Schultz / Brian Sims?

mmm.... Brian Sims.https://centralvoice.files....

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OK. One empty three piece suit. Republican. Only used in a comedy act.

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I love the ginormous autograph on the Constitution. You just know that Rand was one of those kids obsessed with the size of John Hancock's signature on the Declaration.

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Thank you! I can never remember that....

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Wow, Deb. That replymade me feel all patrioty and shit. A tingle just went up my inner American.

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I'd vote for Sims's arms alone.

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If someone tore Rand a new asshole, that would mean, er, extreme sanctions. Because Rand Paul is rectal throughout.

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LOL He thinks his condescending talking at black people sets him apart from other republicans.

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I thought I was a libertarian when I was a gay teen in the 70's. On its face it seems like a great idea and I thought it was a progressive ideology. Thankfully a jc teacher explained why it was a conservative and unworkable ideology with logic. Once you get under the covers, it's easy to see that it is stupid and unworkable. Sadly critical thinking is not a skill that is taught much any more.

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He's jes warmin up for when he goes on The View.

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She wasn't asking a question she was making a statement. He took control of the interview.

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No issues here...

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He doesn't have the right temperament to run a McDonalds...

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