Gwai loh.

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Well, at least they got him to take his white hood off while in front of the camera. That counts towards "Both Sides" points, or something, right?

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Cantonese, I think. Whichever one translates to "white devil".

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Watching this guy take on Oprah is a bit like a leaky rowboat fighting a battleship.

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Confession... I actually own a copy of the White Trash Cookbook (it was a white elephant gift - irony is noted): <a href="http://www.amazon.com/White..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://www.amazon.com/White-Trash-Cooking-Anniver...">http://www.amazon.com/White...

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The article I read indicated he would not be invited back after they were blasted for providing him with a platform... of course he has a different POV; "it was his decision."

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Go for it! Frank's FaceSpace Feb 17th post about not doing NG, initials PG posted at 7:59am & 8:39am (EST).

Boiled my blood all over again when I read it. (Need moar kittens for calmz)

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It's my understanding they are called Blah-'Merican kittens.

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I bet he votes Republican.

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TPers are getting more and more loony-tunes. I fully expect O'Reilly to have a massive melt-down any day and just yell N****r at the camera for an hour.

The is what happens when wingnuts snort anti depressants and drink too much coffee.

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Not a problem. We have a couple dozen pigs and more pig shit than you can stick a Zimmerman in.

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I read something about this cretin last night and there was a link to his Faceplace page. One of his "fans" made a post that caught my eye. When I scrolled over his image his employer; a pharmaceutical company was listed. A quick interwebs search revealed the contact information for the asswipe & his employer. I was a few clicks away from sending them a screen shot his post but decided karma would catch up with him in due time.

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Karma needs a kick in the ass in this case.

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Bouncing baby Jeebus, this whole newsday on Wonkers has been up there, or down there, w/ Ken Layne's greatest hits. Hitting the Jameson's early today.

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Because the <i>other</i> people -- assholes -- insist it's <i>their</i> country, and are trying to remake it in their image.

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