I think Sherrod Brown has a good chance. (crosses fingers)

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I think Sherrod Brown has a good chance. (crosses fingers)

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Ta, Dok. Nikki Haley has a brain? Oh, right, it's heart and soul she lacks.

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If Alsobrooks wins in Maryland, I know I'm going to be calling her Alsotoo every time I non-comment.

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May 15·edited May 15

Independents and even Democrats kinda like Hogan, but that was back when he thumbed his nose at Trump whenever appropriate. I doubt he's doing his popularity with those voters any favors by kissing Trump's ass like he has been lately.

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He was always an asshole, and no actual Democrats 'like' him in any way.

He vetoed tons of progressive things in MD. He was loathed by all but the suckers who fell for his OCCASIONAL remark about PAB and his Rethug-lite lies.

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Be that as it may, those suckers are the votes Hogan needs to even have a chance. He's gonna have to find a way to duck questions about Trump. Making MAGA happy ain't gonna get him elected.

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As a Marylander I was getting bombarded with David Trone ads. It's hilarious to me that he spent so much money and yet the race was not even close.

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OK, obviously Stinky McCrimesalot isn't going to lose 20% of his voters in every state but if he loses 15-20% in those important swing states, that pretty much seals the deal, right? Even if they just stay home, Biden should win bigger than he did in 2020.

I mean, except for the Repub-planned post-election fuckery.

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"Last week, Haley managed to get 22 percent of the vote in Indiana’s primary"


Indiana is a deep red state.

It gives m e a shred of hope that, even in a deep red state, 120,000 people would put on pants, get in the car, and drive to vote for someone *who dropped out of the race two months ago*, either because they can't bear to vote for Trump, or they actively want to flip him off.

Of course, the downside is that a non-zero number of that 120,000 would also vote for Nikki Haley because they can't bear to vote for Biden, although they seem most vague as to why.

Despite the media trying to generate clicks by pushing a "both sides" narrative, I think what we may actually be seeing here is "neither side".

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Alsobrooks won despite the polls all saying Trone was gonna trounce her also.

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Shouldn't that be also, too?

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"but if Republicans and independents who lean Republican just stay home or write in Calvin Coolidge, that would be helpful."

Stupid Libs. You just haven't given the proven rapist Defendant Trump's briliant strategy to win over Haley voters with "Fuck you traitors, you will be the first against the wall when I win" a chance to work.

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I cannot believe they made an ad of that and thought it was a good idea.

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One thing you may have learned about me is that I am deeply appreciative of odd names. Both my first and family names are odd, so I feel entitled. I do not mock, I appreciate. So how much do I love the name " Angela Alsobrooks"??? I want her kid to marry someone and hyphenate as, eg, "Rivers-Alsobrooks"

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And name a kid "Ocean". "Ocean Rivers-Alsobrooks

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Thank you 'cause I really wanted to mock.

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I read the article quickly, and now believe that I would have voted for Angela Alsobrooks due to misreading her name as "also books".

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May 15·edited May 15

> Remember, Nebraska does that weird thing ...

INCORRECT! Nebraska and Maine to the *correct* thing, where each Congressional district gets one EV, and the two EVs for the Senators go to the state-wide popular vote winner. That is to say, they are mostly proportional, with a small sweetener for the popular vote winner.

It's the other 48 who do the weird thing of giving 100% of the EVs to someone who gets 50.1% of the state. Or even less than that! They do it based on plurality, so in a state with a decent third-party showing, 100% of the EVs could go to someone who get 40% of the popular vote.

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Maybe, but there enough red districts in California alone to swing a close EV vote the wrong direction. I live in one of them, but I feel buoyed by my coastal elite compatriots.

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But there are similarly blue districts in Texas which swing things back.

My point is, from a *procedural* standpoint, "per-district EVs plus two EVs for the statewide winner" is more representative of the will of the electorate than the current "winner-takes-all" procedure.

And it need not be literally per-district; simply apportioning EVs proportionally to the statewide results, rather than winner-takes-all, would be fairer as well.

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Now we’re getting closer to discussing the National Popular Vote!


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Yup. On the one hand, we need to get control of a few deep-red states to get them to join the NPVIC, to get past 270. On the other hand, nothing would stop them from withdrawing from it the next time they flip back.

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Given the gerymandering of districts in places like Wisconsin and North Carolina, a EV by Congressional district plan would be a suicide pack for Democrats who would end up winning the popular vote and being slaughtered in the electoral college.

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See my reply to Biff52 right above (or below, depending on your sorting).

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"...Jon Tester in Montana (eek, we don’t know, but he’s running against an admitted liar)..."

Face it, all the Republicans are liars. Sheehy, Hovde, Moreno, and McCormick are only the ones who have been caught ( so far)

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I am still amazed at how much the actual voting went in favor of Alsobrooks. The news around here was saying polls had them neck and neck within the margin of error but as of now she's up 54-42%. That may narrow as they begin counting the mail-in ballots from today until next Friday (5/24) but I expect it will not be a dead heat.

Thankfully Trone has already conceded and called for party unity behind Alsobrooks.

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"made a point of going to vote for Haley because “I loathe Trump.”"

that alone will fuck him over in swing states, and the trend is holding across both open and closed primaries.

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The MAGAhats who live in the parallel universe where the PAB is superman do not understand how genuinely disliked he is outside of their universe.

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not disliked. Universally hated and DESPISED.

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"not sure they can bring themselves to vote for Biden, just definitely not Trump"

>I'm hearing the 'uniparty' message more often, and since voters seem to hate both of these guys, it should be interesting to see how November pans out.

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