You know, if you stuff a zucchini in a potato cannon it makes a real mess. Don’t ask me how I know this but as a kid I did not like zucchini and it grew like weeds in our garden so something needed to done besides eating them.

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I planted Zucchini once in 1984. There was so much of it that my kitchen ended up looking like a Heinz warehouse. There's still a case and a half of the stuff in the pantry.

I may invite all of Sicily over for meatball soup, just to finish it up.

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Only one question remains:

Bloody Mary or Champagne punch?

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If you're sneaky about it, you can work almost twice as much zucchini into the frittata. Plus, it helps if your dog will eat some, too.

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Eventually, you will still have to leave bags of it on random doorsteps.

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If only wonket allowed condiments.

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me too. except i don't like vegetables that much, so my vegetarianism was slanted toward pastafarianism.

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<DIV dir=ltr align=left>You did. I'm really bad about shit like that.</DIV><br /> <DIV dir=ltr lang=en-us>

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