She’s a mutt. ½ gs... ¼ to 1/8 wolf the rest????

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I think you don't understand how he is systematically ruining every cabinet under him, by hiring flunkies, fundies and idiots who are taking their toll on the underlings, making it so ridiculous that they are all quitting. Look at the State Dept. and what he has done to it.

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I think you give him too much power.

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The later stages can be dicey too. What I've found most unappealing about owlets is that they can get close to adult size but still be gawky as ever.

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They may be bright enough, but the only one of those subjects that poses an existential threat to America is Trump.

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I find the ones that turn into little balls of floof appealing, but yeah -- the first week or so out of the egg, not so much.

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What kind of doge is she? She's so beautiful, and I always look forward to your pics.

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(sorry sorry i love me those dragons)

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well we try but no, not really.

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Until Trump goads Biden into a war of words and Biden commits one of his famous gaffes, and then the media over-analyzes it until Biden's reputation is irreparably damaged leading up to the election. Trump can say whatever he wants without consequences. Other people can't. And Biden is prone to making verbal mistakes. They don't call him "the human gaffe machine" for nothing.

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What should be amplified at every turn: ‘Apprentice’ star incapable of firing anyone!Great take from Mueller was Cheeto dispatching Corey-fucking-Lewandowski, long after he left WH, to try and deep-six Sessions. One of Cheeto’s greatest hits - ‘firing’ Crooked Jim Comey, consisted of Trump bodyguard Keith Schiller hand-carrying a dismissal letter for Jimbo, while they both knew he was out of town. Not only does the Emperor have no clothes, but no need, as he has no balls to hide.

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Face it - if folks don’t get amped about the Mueller Report and, contrary to your obviously woke circle, punk, MANY around here don’t, they will care even less about the most frightening problem you address above. With Barr and DOJ having been subsumed by Trump, complicit (R)s and lax media, we have already become a lawless nation.

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Remember the Tea Party signs? ‘Keep Your Govt Hands Off My Medicare!?!?’

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Nancy, like Lady MS (and the inimitable $5F!) is a Baltimore homegirl. She was born with the gene for political intrigue, learned at the kitchen table of the masters, has practiced the dark arts for decades and recognizes talent and potential in others. Unlike POTUS, for example, she is not jealous of people with the same gift; instead, as a mom/grandma, she takes the opportunity to nurture and guide them, meanwhile enlisting them to support her cause. Can’t say for sure, but would guess that she’s particularly fond of the new crop of ‘girls’, ‘cause she’s had to compete with the successful ‘boys’ since her childhood:)

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With regards to his past actions, we shouldn't hold any of it against him IF he can state why he's changed and what he'd do differently now.

We cannot ever let ourselves be defined solely by the worst thing we've ever done* - otherwise, what's the point of ever trying to improve ourselves?

* Certain evil dictators and mass murderers excepted, naturally.

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Dunno. Biden is not a goader by nature.

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