The hairdresser for that abomination must be a cast (away) from "Something About Mary" who collects the Jerkoff's nocturnal emissions to style that piss poodle that should have been aborted. I keep on hearing the refrain of Danke Shoen by the uber lounge lizard Wayne Newton.

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Melania sez "Thank God."

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Concerning the Strumpet's hairdresser (about whom we hear nothing-- why?) -- could that person be his GRU handler?

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[rimshot gif]

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What's Irish and gets taken in at night?

Patio furniture.

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I agree completely. Yesterday rivaled those two days for pure awfulness and hopelessness. I sat on my couch staring at the wall in disbelief and just snuggled with my animal companions (dachhunds),exactly as I did on those two horrific days. What is to become of our country?

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The hard base never admits they were wrong, it's the great squishy middle that has regrets. Trump reeled in the voters who regretted supporting the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq by saying that it was a "huge mistake during the campaign and focusing on nativeism.

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Nukes and oil, and weapons for sale.

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... while WARNING THEM "Hey bozos, those brake lines are IMPORTANT and you DO NOT WANT TO TOUCH THOSE."

And did they listen? NOOOOOOOOOOOO

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Americans tend to prefer a divided gov't (so I've read) which would suggest Ds gaining seats in Congress. Sill, with all the fuckery going on out there, we can't get happy!

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Actually I do and have. Detailed instructions are in the book Possum Living available from Amazon . https://smile.amazon.com/Po...

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The Cubans who escaped Castro were the rich, probably more pure Spanish than the less wealthy majority who stayed.

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Sent and posted on resistbot's twitter.

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We're gonna run out of booze. Does anyone here know how to make a still? Bathtub gin?

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I don't think they've even mockpologized yet

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Request they be removed first. Don't want to punish a restaurant if they'll throw them out.

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