Along with many other songs, I love the duet she did with George Michael. She was wearing pink in the video, and kinda looked like she could've been his mom, but it was glorious. Hard to believe they're both gone now.

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looks like what I'd imagine if Axl Rose and Claire Danes had a babby together, or maybe one of the Hanson boys

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(I like blueberries--I think I'll eat some more now)

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this is my favorite madge (i spent my misspent youth recreating this look - hell i still do some of it). song is one of several favs.

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that's just heartbreaking to watch.

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Bicycling over the bridge from Sweden

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There's a difference between being remembered and honoured.

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Is that an Ishtar reference?

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"What difference does it make?"

"God Damn America"

<Insert famous out-of-context line here>

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Not that I in any way support this goombah - for one, who wants some dude that looks like a poor man's Kris Kristofferson handling ANY of your food? - but srsly WHY would any self respecting LGBTQ+ person ask him for a cake?? Except to poke the hornets nest, I suppose. I'm just thinking, there must be other bakers in Colorado; and surely some of them are fabulous and have far better design chops than Crotchety McWhiteman. Who would probably make a point of not washing his hands (does he anyway?) before applying that blue frosting to a pink cake *at best*.

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BTW, were those twins identical or fraternal?Spotted.

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