I've been thinking about this and just the serious rumor the fake stuff was out there for sale and it was impossible to tell the difference between it and the real thing might just do the trick.

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I;m sure it could. I wouldn't know where to start.

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Defense Secretary Jim Mattis says Uncle Sam might start playing with war toys near North Korea now that Trump is throwing another tantrum.






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It is a sequel, though I haven't read the first one. Willis McCall was a terrifying human being...and this wasn't all THAT long ago. Ruthless Sun is a bit of a tough read....heavy on detail, which is fine, and though there is some degree of resolution and justice in the end, not the kind you want, like in the movies. That said, I'd recommend it, if for nothing more than a snapshot of where we were...and where we could easily be again unless we refuse to allow it.

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Damn!That is one scary/beautiful object!As if the REAL teeth aren't frightening enough!Imagine big incisors coming out of that!

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Properly organized, the project would quickly pay for itself - and probably make a profit. I wonder if the start-up could be crowd funded...

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It's the Chicago motto: Ubi est mea

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Will they be named Michangelo, Dontaello, Leonardo, and Raphael? Will they be led by an equally radiated rat? Will they solve crime while pulling off martial art moves? Will they befriend female TV reporters?

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They're 400 lb teenagers in mom's basement.

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The Cult Of Trump has infested all of the Republican Party. Not the Cult Of Pence.

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It's called "I got mine, the rest of you can die in the Gulf of Mexico in your rubber dingys."

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When you cut through all of the complexity, when all the variables cancel one another out and the core equation stands revealed, it is an exceedingly simple proposition: vote Democratic if you want any chance of things getting better.

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A Rhino's horn is made from keratin, the same bio material in hair and fingernails. There is a growing number of companies now making test tube meat and leather. Refocusing these techniques to make Rhino horn should be practical: all that is needed is motivation. https://www.nanalyze.com/20...

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Nah, just a straight up reminder to all the kids that bullying isn't right. Which is a little weird, considering he only has a few grand-nieces and -nephews and one niece in school. (My youngest cousin was born the same year as my nephew, some 20 years after the rest of us)

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I think he keeps a file of puns close at Han.

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