I hope you get those issues with your appendix resolved ASAP.

Here's hoping you and yours have a very happy Christmas and an even better new year. ♥

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Well, got some issues with my appendix but well considering... ;>)

I miss you, hope you all have a very happy Christmas and merry new year!


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We are, gracias.

I sure do miss you.

Hope everything is well with you, too, amigo.

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The US supported military coups so that South VietNamese leaders wouldn't negotiate an end to their war. It was Cold War realpolitik. We sent a couple of million young Americans over, knowing that some would be killed, and that many more would return permanently damaged. It was the price of freedom. Untold thousands of non-combatant VietNamese died as collateral damage. It was "Sorry about that". We built and propped up a South VietNamese government, turned the war over to them, then negotiated the U.S. out of it and withdrew our support. That was the "Peace With Honor" that we had voted for. The Communists won, and the U.S. took in the resulting SouthEast Asian refugees. Like American war veterans, most refugees led praiseworthy lives, and are great people. The problems caused by people who arrived damaged in the '70s or who "went bad" afterwards are just one more cost of a war that wasn't factored in when it was sold to us back in the '60s and seemed like a good idea at the time. The relatively few refugees who have committed serious crimes here should be imprisoned here. They aren't VietNam's responsibility anymore. You break it, you own it.

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Women can count to twenty-two.

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Sorry. I thought I was agreeing with you.

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Holy smoke! I flew F-111s in the USAF fro a dozen years, but it was certainly nothing like this. Thank you for this inspirational reading.

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I was a WSO in on of those 70s era planes (F-111s). The best thing we could do for our radar cross section was to turn our own radar to standby... Not recommended for night/IMC flying!

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They gotta learn how to kill somehow. This is how.

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it's better than bad. It's good!

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Just hand them a pair of bootstraps.

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And a whole lot more leggy blondes.

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Yeah, I'm not exactly a fan of Mika and Joe, but fuck Glenn Greenwald. Sanctimonious dickhead who picks the stupidest things to get outraged about.

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Still playing catch-up here and I'm only up to this morning. Blame the kittens - they spent far more time fighting each other this morning (and their own tails and their own feet and my toes) than was good for anybody. Is this normal? They fight in complete silence, with their ears forward and their claws mostly retracted. It looks violent but nobody seems to be getting hurt. Just... weird.

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If you replace 'wall' with 'Log' it actually makes slightly more sense. All kids love Wall!

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