Yeah... I really can't believe we keep doing this to ourselves.

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I was thinking about this last night. It's sort of unfortunate that we have WWII fixed in our collective mentality as the example of a "good war". Yes, we defeated Hitler and Japan, which tends to gloss over all the horrible shit-beyond combat casualties -that happened. I suspect if you lived in one of the villages in Normandy that was reduced to ash and rubble and rotting French corpses in order to drive the Nazis out, their perspective would be a little more nuanced.

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Well, I'd say the US government/military are batting about .500 in the good vs evil department. Good stat for baseball. Kinda shitty for a Democracy.

Powell (as CJCS) too. Don't got to war unless your vital national interests are in peril. Guess he forgot what he said by the time he worked for Bush. Powell was/is a borderline Republican. Clark is a Dem if I'm not mistaken.

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I'm sure nobody signed up thinking things like this would happen. The fog of war and all. I remember Wesley Clark talking about that...how you REALLY want to be careful before choosing the option of military engagement, because once you do, a lot of bad shit happens that you can't control.

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I was active duty then. I flew out of Incirlik AB, Turkey during the war. I was a planner at Ramstein during these two incidents following the war. The goons in the F-15s actually thought they shot down two Iraqi MI-24s. That happy glow lasted about 30 minutes. Really an awful time, as you can imagine.


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That "nice time" made me cry! I'm adding this to balance it out.. a cougar "re-wilding" site:


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That implies they tried to hit their own side in Vietnam.

Friendly fire is a thing, guns and missiles still count as weapons.

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Your own civil rights take precedence. When your health choices are secondary to other people's religions, it starts to matter a whole lot more than everything else.

People denigrate the "I have had an epiphany because this affects me personally" but 50% of the population is being targeted by the Rs main backers, Evangelicals and male supremacists.

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I'm sending him thoughts and prayers. Because there's no fuckin' way I want as much as a nickel spent on that waste of money.

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Also debatable, mainly because using something as a weapon normally implies trying not to hit your own side.

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Maybe, but that would show a degree of insight unusual for a Breitbart commenter. (Although using the wrong word is Breitbart all the way.)

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Possibly read ‘illusion’ for ‘allusion’?

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As for Donny , is a 'fait accompli' , and only DonnyTrump's mission is accomplished in Syria the withdrawal denies the US the possibility of having a say in it the rebuilding of post-war Syria. Donny Trump has shown the world that he has lost interest in the Middle East as a whole…..

Russia can rejoice , Assad is Russia's only safe bet on maintaining a military, and thus political, presence in the Middle East. If the US withdraws now, Putin will have free reign to shape the post-war order as he sees fit.


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Our presence in Syria was ineffective and probably illegal. I'm ok with the withdrawal, even if he did it for the wrong reasons.

Now if the administration wants to go back to congress for a valid authorization, then we can talk about it. But there is no fucking way the Bush-era AUMF covers a civil war in Syria that started 10 years after 9/11.

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Trump then released a smug and ignorant video where he complains about calling the families of dead soldiers and claims, "We beat ISIS." He then points to the sky and says "There is nobody happier."

I hate Trump so much. Sooo much. But never more than when he has the temerity to speak for his war dead, sometimes even in front of their families. I hope next time he points his fat stubby finger at the sky like that, it gets struck by fucking lightening. That might even be enough that convince me that a god that cares more about widows and children than the literal WORST that walk among us actually exists....

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