Boo! Did I scare ya? Happy Halloween from me and the Wonkitty. With cabbages. https://open.substack.com/pub/martiniambassador/p/happy-halloween

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I just have to know whether you intended to misspell "friends". I like cabbage, Halloween and full moons and all your marvelous creations, but I'm also an involuntary proofreader. So now I have to know.

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I did not! I’m terrible with spelling mistakes (slight dyslexia, I really have problems seeing them), so if spellcheck doesn’t catch it, I probably won’t.

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What a relief! I thought I was too thick to see a marvelous play on words or something. Balance is restored to the world. Now we can concentrate on all tricks and no treats for a certain pumpkin-hued goblin, and you can have lots of the treats instead for all the joy you bring us.

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When life deals you cabbages make sauerkraut with a nice kielbasa chopped up in there.

Oh ...and bier. Voila, Octoberfest!

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or stuffed cabbage, as i did this past weekend. cabbage AND sauerkraut! yay!

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I've seen that Tasting History video, and Max's pronunciation of Bangor isn't too bad.

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We'll just put those in the pantry until St Patrick's Day.

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Don't forget the horsey radish!

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*runs away screaming *

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someone has never had cabbage and noodles. :(

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Lucky them!

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corned beef!

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It’s very good for you.

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Cabbage ain't that bad{{{BLAAAAAAAT!}}} sorry. okaybye

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What is Halloween without cabbages?

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They’re HEADS!!!

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Cooler and smells better.

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Oh, very sorry! But you mentioned cabbages.

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There is a historical link to Halloween and cabbages (check out the vid on my post).

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Maybe I'll order another Reuben tonight. "Trick or blat!"

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We used to have cabbage pie when I was a kid. Family recipe. It also had hard boiled eggs, for that extra oomph.

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I make a fair-to-middlin' cabbage lasagna. It's always been a hit. I microwave the leafs to make them a bit more compliant and use them instead of pasta.

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Cabbage pie? I used to eat kimchi before going to family dinners after various family members became enchudinated.

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I love kimchi, though the family would always think something died in the fridge.

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that'll learn 'em

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Oct 31, 2023
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And kings!

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Congratulations to you and Mrs. Robinson! Prince Albert and I toyed with Halloween as a wedding date because he wanted a holiday that doesn’t float from year to year, but he also wanted the day off, and Halloween isn’t a stat holiday so it got struck from the list. (Ease of remembering it and always having the day off, you see.) 14 is a nice amount! We hit 20 this year.

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"This drink is all about teh presentation" = "it tastes terrible"?

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Mules are great, Stephen! Check out our annual tribute to them:


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Short changing mental health health services is win-win for republicans. They get to stick it to poor people who can’t hold down a job because of severe mental illness, which is one of their favorite things to do. It also results in cities having an increased problem with homelessness, so they can then point and say, “look how terrible these blue cities are!”

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Both my in-laws got Covid this month. They’re recovering, thank Jeebus, but no, they didn’t get the booster. When Mrs. Monster told me the news, however, I immediately called my mother and urged her to get vaxxed. She did, thank Jeebus.

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As an anecdotal data point, I'm in that older, at-risk demographic (61, immune system mildly suppressed by Cosentyx, an autoimmune arthritis medicine). I tend to have bad multi-day reactions to vaccines, so I have to carefully schedule them for a time when I can afford to be useless for a while.

I did that when scheduling an appointment for my COVID-19 and flu vaccines a couple of weeks ago. When I showed up for my appointment, the pharmacist said that Cosentyx can dramatically reduce the effectiveness of the COVID-19 vaccine, and advised me to talk to my doctor before getting it. So I got just the flu shot that day.

When I spoke to my doctor, she said I could get the vaccine, but to schedule it about three weeks after my monthly dose of Cosentyx, and delay the following dose by a week. Which seems perfectly reasonable. However, my monthly dose happens around the first of each month, and three weeks after that lands right in Thanksgiving week, when I can't afford to be vaccine-sick for several days. So I'll probably get my COVID-19 vaccine in December.

My point in writing this is that for many of us, getting vaccinated involves navigating through a tangle of conflicting constraints. Even someone like me who is eager to be vaccinated might be forced to delay doing so. So please don't imagine that "Person has not been vaccinated" implies "Person is irresponsible".

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Happy Anniversary, Stephen! There's a way to remember it! (My wife and I consistently forget our anniversary; at least we both do it so there's no hard feelings.)

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Finally getting to listen to the version of LOTR narrated by Andy Serkis, and I love it. He's far and away better than the version Mr Demi actually owns

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Alls I can think of with the Bride of Frankenstein was the SNL skit with Nicki Minaj on SNL and her badonkadonk

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I can't get to the store, there's an all-black cat blocking my path and I'll have to wait until she moves.

Carramena is lying on my foot. She was purring softly (I could feel it, but not hear it) but I'm pretty sure she's sleeping now.

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re: Halloween costumes at school. My kid's district long ago decided that it would be best to not have costumes in school, and for a very good reason: it can be disruptive to the learning process and environment. And this is literally the best public school district in my state and the board knows what it's doing (they've been totally great at ignoring the Jesus freaks who got their jollies disrupting board meetings earlier this year).

Using the excuses about how some religions feel excluded or how Halloween is against their religion is seriously bullshit. If your religion thinks that Halloween is some kind of evil demonic satan thing, your religion sucks and so do you. If these Jeebus people had a clue, they would use the very valid reason my district uses, and that would be that.

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Our school board allows them but no masks and no weapons, so most kids opt to not wear any because that’s like 90% of all kids’ costumes.

Masks are forbidden for lack of visibility out the eyeholes, not a religious thing. Otherwise the little beggars are whomping into one another even more than usual!

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Texas Jesus Christer goes after trick or treating, gets ratioed hard.


Unpopular Opinion: Trick or Treating is one of the most dangerous activities children do today!

Think twice before you go out with your kids tomorrow night for the following reasons…

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"Not even older, at-risk demographics are getting the new COVID vaccine in reasonable numbers..."

In the meantime, CDC had to change it's recommendation to get the RSV vaccine because of shortages of that vaccine.

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That "Bride of Frankenstein" clip was AWESOME.

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