Oh, Trump diduse violence to clear protesters from DC so he could have his church photo op, and the inspector general was either covering it up or doing a piss-poor job of inspection generaling? Well knock us over with a water cannon. (Radley Balko)
(Looks like) Ohio abortion protection should be on the ballot! Let's go Ohio. (Talking Points Memo)
On your history of "fighting woke":
In the period after the Brown v. Board of Education decision of 1954, segregationist politicians attempted to use state power to punish progressive corporations, civil rights groups, and media outlets; pundits condemned what they saw as the narrowing of acceptable discourse and the demonization of their racist worldview; and citizen groups organized boycotts to maintain segregation.
Tell us more about the great company Ron DeSantis and his fellow grand wizards are in, Slate! Oh, you have quite a lot more to tell us? Okay!
Just show them the Constitution. (Kevin Kruse)
Indignity on John Roberts's smarmy little "special pleading" (that's well-put). Just scroll past the part explaining about their "substack boost" (unless of course you, like I, want to make more sense of that place).
Your daily What the Fuck Robert F. Kennedy Jr.:
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and his organization Children's Health Defense are fans and promoters of James Corbett, a Sandy Hook and 9/11 conspiracy theorist who has claimed that “Hitler was a Rothschild” and “Hitler and the Nazis were one hundred percent completely and utterly set up … by the international banking community and the international crony capitalists.”
Jesus Christ. — Media Matters
What's this "Erica Marsh" thing Robyn mentioned yestertoday? Thanks for the splainer, Amanda Marcotte at Salon!
How the conservative weirdos turned into insular nerds, and Oliver Willis is using nerd as a pejorative .
How Pittsburgh became a vanguard of the progressive movement? I fuckin love Pittsburgh! (Obligatory: Yinzers, and whatnot.) (NBC News)
Retired palliative care doctors and leaders in the hospice field would like the vulture capitalists buying up the hospices to STOP THE SHIT. Letter, Journal of Palliative Medicine
Here's a panel on nuclear, and how it's too expensive to help us meet climate goals when wind is RIGHT THERE, WIND-ING! Man, some of you gonna be so mad.
A very pretty report, with such good graphics, about how much natural energy Africa can produce: It's "superabundant," meaning "the renewable energy potential across Africa is 50 times greater than the anticipated electricity demand of the entire planet by 2040." We should help! (No, that doesn't mean "just take it.") (New Leadership Playbook)
The enshittification of everything, "stuff" edition. — Vox
14 People Having Sex With Celebs and Buzzfeed Is Jealous!
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