When I look back at the show, I'm amazed at the how they got so many wonderful, talented celebrities to appear on it. Not that I'm complaining -- Beverly Sills tap dancing and singing a cowboy song will live in my memory forever.
I simply loved to watch Rita Moreno when I was short. Her frequent appearances on the children's program on PBS that were getting started were so engaging; the woman made an enormous impression on me.
I was utterly enthralled by her performance in "West Side Story" that I saw for the first time when I was about 9 and dreamed of some day being able to dance the way she could.
yes on Noah Berlatsky. .... ANOTHER thing about McCheesy is that he can't stand a bluff. Like, when he was trying to get Speakerfied, what if on say the 5th vote he refused to let his name be entered? Instead he just wore the "kick me" sign until the bullies got tired and wandered off. Romney has something of the same problem. Daddy would be mad!
Back to the subway, hoping to avoid any tweaked out right wing white guys telling me I need pepper spray to protect myself from "illegal immigrants" when I really need it to protect myself from tweaked out right wing white guys.
We got fresh sardines at the coast a few weeks ago. The Italian fisherman had them in a net swimming when we bought then. Fried them and served with an amazing remoulade sauce.
I once tried to make the famous Sicilian dish Pasta con le Sarde. It was a disaster, totally inedible. It put me off for several years.
But then a bounty of fresh sardines came my way, and I thought I'd give it another go. Now it is a go-to pasta dish for special occasions here as Casa Regular. Sardines. Anchovies. Fennel fronds (lots of them). A few raisins. Pine nuts. Tomato paste. Bread crumbs baked in olive oil. Lots of black pepper. A bit of saffron if you have it, otherwise don't break the bank. The trick is to not pulverize the sardines.
It is a strange dish and, done right, completely mesmerizing.
The best sardines I ever had were in Sardinia, in La Maddalena, in a pizza place with a faded plastic sign and a totally forgettable name. This was just a couple months prior to COVID.
The chef was from Senegal. She and her Sardinian husband ran the place. They'd gone out that morning to pick wild fennel, and she'd decided to roast it and serve fresh grilled sardines over it with some baies de rose, lemon and olive oil. TO DIE. Everything else we had there was splendid too. We went back the next night. I asked if I could just return and work with her in the kitchen to learn how she did everything, and she said quite seriously that I would be welcome any time to do that. I think it remains my #1 thought for what to do in retirement.
Speaking of student loans, as sometimes happens, this morning I saw on my phone at least 42 states are paying college grads to stay there after graduation. From architects to doctors to teacher to veterinarians, states are paying $2,000 to $100,000 depending on career and length of stay.
I think I'll pass on this email invite I got from the Florida Supreme Court:
Join us for A Supreme Evening 2024 on Thursday, January 18, in Tallahassee, as we continue our proud tradition of hosting the Florida Supreme Court Historical Society's annual fundraising event. This year, our keynote speaker is former U.S. Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, who served under President George W. Bush. T
As a non-practicing attorney myself, I get using a home address but calling your apartment a "suite" to sound fancy. But at least get yourself a second, better email address, even if it is a free service like Hotmail. Or buy a domain for a few bucks a year and use that via Gmail or whatever. Crom's sake.
Filing while a pro hac is pending isn't unusual. Though it's interesting Roodles couldn't find anyone in NH to represent him and went to some mook in Staten Island instead.
Dude is going to get crushed in a suit hes losing because he can't afford to pay for discovery... I think most reputable lawyers are not going to take a client like that without a large retainer, which he doesn't have.
This what I wrote to my brother yesterday. Not all of it.
"So. Do I want to do that again? I'm not sure. There were highs and lows. I've seen more money than anyone should really see. I've seen more stress than anyone should have to cope with.
Right now I have lots and lots of money so I don't care and am coming over to Europe for a couple of months. I want to see the pezzos and you and your fam. If I can do it, I'm going to do it. It's the right thing to do.
We should talk. We're going to start losing the elders soon. We should have a plan."
Is the Supreme Court going to save nonprofits with missions to support marginalized and historically disinvested people though? Because I think that's where this is going:
I can't wait for all of those "Daughters of the American Revolution"-type scholarships to disappear. Because those are inherently skewed towards whites, yes?
Although I found this gem of a quote from one of their websites:
"The members of the DAR are all Daughters regardless of color. The Dialogues on this site are not to create a separation by focusing on members with African American lineage but rather to change the narrative of race relations in this nation to reflect a more accurate history – one where African Americans had much greater agency in the development of the United States of America and whites were aligned with blacks in many instances. These stories will serve as a healing of a history that is still a source of conflict and polarization in this county amongst the races."
"Thanks for all of the AGENCY!" - The slaves, probably
"weaponized incompetence" is the exact phrase the admin at my one client used to describe the truly disastrous man who failed up into my position (they had to hire me back to fix his shit, bc isn't that what women do?)
Good morning. Yesterday was a not very good day here at Chez Cookie. Wonkette’s puppy, Laveau, aka Little Voodoo Queen, had an early morning hours trip to the e-vet when I realized her problem was more severe than just diarrhea.
I’d been keeping an eye on her already because I had done a dumb and forgot to close Tesla’s crate when I leash walked her for a potty trip. (Tesla is currently on injured reserve due to a soft tissue injury she suffered while working a rubble pile) Thus leaving Laveau inside the house unattended with a “bully stick.” She’s not allowed to have them because she horks them down.
Anyway. Laveau had a bowel obstruction. She’s going to be fine. I got her in quickly, the vets were thorough and competent, and after an almost full night of sleep I’m not crying and absolutely convinced that I killed my own dog with my negligence. That was my yesterday. All day. Today she has had a smol meal of prescription canned food which she kept down and X-rays show is moving appropriately through her GI tract and she is being discharged.
Sorry this is long. I babble when I’m emotionally exhausted. I’m going to put a picture of my babby dog in my notes. So y’all can see how perfect she was even when she was feeling terrible.
I lost a very good dog to something like this, through waiting too long and being too broke to handle the vet bills. Thirty years later I still feel like shit about it. You did good.
Oh that is so hard to have to go through, babble away!
You took great care of your baby as soon as you thought something was wrong. That made the difference. You saved Laveau and it is the best news ever to hear she is getting better. Take care of yourself, I can imagine what you are feeling. Big hugs!
Your hed gif is from The Muppet Show. Rita Moreno won an Emmy for it. You can find out more here: https://open.substack.com/pub/martiniambassador/p/fever-all-through-the-night
It's hard to believe that the Rita Moreno's episode was one of the first episodes, it is so perfect
Ah, one of my favorites from The Muppet Show.
When I look back at the show, I'm amazed at the how they got so many wonderful, talented celebrities to appear on it. Not that I'm complaining -- Beverly Sills tap dancing and singing a cowboy song will live in my memory forever.
I simply loved to watch Rita Moreno when I was short. Her frequent appearances on the children's program on PBS that were getting started were so engaging; the woman made an enormous impression on me.
I was utterly enthralled by her performance in "West Side Story" that I saw for the first time when I was about 9 and dreamed of some day being able to dance the way she could.
That never quite happened.
YES it did happen! Rita Moreno made many of us appreciate the better sides of ourselves.
Same! I couldn't wait for the family to leave so I could put on West side story and be Rita Moreno for an hour.
Animal was my favorite Muppet.
Rita Moreno.
Nuff said!
One of the funniest Muppets bits ever.
These are the TABZ gifs I come here for -
I love it so much I want to cry for some reason? You did real good.
Oh, thank you my darling!
She was the first Hispanic EGOT and was on The Electric Company!
Lawrence O’Donnell did a segment on Menendez’s wife killing a man and then receiving a new car as a bribe.
He didn’t pull any punches.
yes on Noah Berlatsky. .... ANOTHER thing about McCheesy is that he can't stand a bluff. Like, when he was trying to get Speakerfied, what if on say the 5th vote he refused to let his name be entered? Instead he just wore the "kick me" sign until the bullies got tired and wandered off. Romney has something of the same problem. Daddy would be mad!
Back to the subway, hoping to avoid any tweaked out right wing white guys telling me I need pepper spray to protect myself from "illegal immigrants" when I really need it to protect myself from tweaked out right wing white guys.
In case you missed it, from yesterday: https://open.substack.com/pub/ziggywiggy/p/what-can-you-do-youre-a-woman?r=2knfuc&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
We got fresh sardines at the coast a few weeks ago. The Italian fisherman had them in a net swimming when we bought then. Fried them and served with an amazing remoulade sauce.
More on sardines:
I once tried to make the famous Sicilian dish Pasta con le Sarde. It was a disaster, totally inedible. It put me off for several years.
But then a bounty of fresh sardines came my way, and I thought I'd give it another go. Now it is a go-to pasta dish for special occasions here as Casa Regular. Sardines. Anchovies. Fennel fronds (lots of them). A few raisins. Pine nuts. Tomato paste. Bread crumbs baked in olive oil. Lots of black pepper. A bit of saffron if you have it, otherwise don't break the bank. The trick is to not pulverize the sardines.
It is a strange dish and, done right, completely mesmerizing.
The best sardines I ever had were in Sardinia, in La Maddalena, in a pizza place with a faded plastic sign and a totally forgettable name. This was just a couple months prior to COVID.
The chef was from Senegal. She and her Sardinian husband ran the place. They'd gone out that morning to pick wild fennel, and she'd decided to roast it and serve fresh grilled sardines over it with some baies de rose, lemon and olive oil. TO DIE. Everything else we had there was splendid too. We went back the next night. I asked if I could just return and work with her in the kitchen to learn how she did everything, and she said quite seriously that I would be welcome any time to do that. I think it remains my #1 thought for what to do in retirement.
Speaking of student loans, as sometimes happens, this morning I saw on my phone at least 42 states are paying college grads to stay there after graduation. From architects to doctors to teacher to veterinarians, states are paying $2,000 to $100,000 depending on career and length of stay.
I think I'll pass on this email invite I got from the Florida Supreme Court:
Join us for A Supreme Evening 2024 on Thursday, January 18, in Tallahassee, as we continue our proud tradition of hosting the Florida Supreme Court Historical Society's annual fundraising event. This year, our keynote speaker is former U.S. Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, who served under President George W. Bush. T
Enron was mostly happy with the job Bertie did for them. Koch bros also too.
oh my god
I imagine you politely declined?
Looked like just a mass email that went out to all bar members. Only have to respond if you want to reserve a spot. Which I did not do.
As a non-practicing attorney myself, I get using a home address but calling your apartment a "suite" to sound fancy. But at least get yourself a second, better email address, even if it is a free service like Hotmail. Or buy a domain for a few bucks a year and use that via Gmail or whatever. Crom's sake.
It's also a good idea to get the pro hoc vice thing done before you file the complaint, I imagine.
Filing while a pro hac is pending isn't unusual. Though it's interesting Roodles couldn't find anyone in NH to represent him and went to some mook in Staten Island instead.
Dude is going to get crushed in a suit hes losing because he can't afford to pay for discovery... I think most reputable lawyers are not going to take a client like that without a large retainer, which he doesn't have.
Meanwhile, back in the real world of business-as-usual news, Sam Bankrupt-Fraud's trial has begun, but it hasn't stopped the 196 congressional crypto-critters who stuffed their PACs with his bribes ($100M+) during the '22 primaries from pushing cryto regulation, just as the likes of SB-F wrote it for them: https://www.downwithtyranny.com/post/will-the-sam-bankman-fried-trial-lead-to-any-of-the-dozens-of-congressmen-he-bribed
This what I wrote to my brother yesterday. Not all of it.
"So. Do I want to do that again? I'm not sure. There were highs and lows. I've seen more money than anyone should really see. I've seen more stress than anyone should have to cope with.
Right now I have lots and lots of money so I don't care and am coming over to Europe for a couple of months. I want to see the pezzos and you and your fam. If I can do it, I'm going to do it. It's the right thing to do.
We should talk. We're going to start losing the elders soon. We should have a plan."
Is the Supreme Court going to save nonprofits with missions to support marginalized and historically disinvested people though? Because I think that's where this is going:
I can't wait for all of those "Daughters of the American Revolution"-type scholarships to disappear. Because those are inherently skewed towards whites, yes?
Although I found this gem of a quote from one of their websites:
"The members of the DAR are all Daughters regardless of color. The Dialogues on this site are not to create a separation by focusing on members with African American lineage but rather to change the narrative of race relations in this nation to reflect a more accurate history – one where African Americans had much greater agency in the development of the United States of America and whites were aligned with blacks in many instances. These stories will serve as a healing of a history that is still a source of conflict and polarization in this county amongst the races."
"Thanks for all of the AGENCY!" - The slaves, probably
"weaponized incompetence" is the exact phrase the admin at my one client used to describe the truly disastrous man who failed up into my position (they had to hire me back to fix his shit, bc isn't that what women do?)
I am very tired.
In my quest for Speakership of the House (see below) I would marry Rita Moreno.
Damn, there's a /bunch/ of Wonkers throwing their hats in the ring. Gonna be a cage match!
I will crush them like canned clams!!!!!!1!!!!1!!
Or maybe just read another book.
It'll be one of those two.
This could get ugly.
(Looks in mirror.)
This could get very ugly.
Good morning. Yesterday was a not very good day here at Chez Cookie. Wonkette’s puppy, Laveau, aka Little Voodoo Queen, had an early morning hours trip to the e-vet when I realized her problem was more severe than just diarrhea.
I’d been keeping an eye on her already because I had done a dumb and forgot to close Tesla’s crate when I leash walked her for a potty trip. (Tesla is currently on injured reserve due to a soft tissue injury she suffered while working a rubble pile) Thus leaving Laveau inside the house unattended with a “bully stick.” She’s not allowed to have them because she horks them down.
Anyway. Laveau had a bowel obstruction. She’s going to be fine. I got her in quickly, the vets were thorough and competent, and after an almost full night of sleep I’m not crying and absolutely convinced that I killed my own dog with my negligence. That was my yesterday. All day. Today she has had a smol meal of prescription canned food which she kept down and X-rays show is moving appropriately through her GI tract and she is being discharged.
Sorry this is long. I babble when I’m emotionally exhausted. I’m going to put a picture of my babby dog in my notes. So y’all can see how perfect she was even when she was feeling terrible.
Our fur babies mean everything to us. Bless you.
I lost a very good dog to something like this, through waiting too long and being too broke to handle the vet bills. Thirty years later I still feel like shit about it. You did good.
Oh that is so hard to have to go through, babble away!
You took great care of your baby as soon as you thought something was wrong. That made the difference. You saved Laveau and it is the best news ever to hear she is getting better. Take care of yourself, I can imagine what you are feeling. Big hugs!
Your a good dog mom, and she's a good girl. Get some rest and go easy on yourself.