Whore’s blossoms? Decay from not bathing? Abuse of some exotic form of methamphetamine? Rosea gone amok?

He clearly sucks and should not be taken seriously, and yet they do, because he at least fakes not being a total fool so he’s their intellectual firepower, which is sad.

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God, I would LOVE to see Ryan go to jail. 😌😌😌😌

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My spouse claims they want him to be prez and that is why he is said to be retiring, so he can primary trump. I hope he's wrong.

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Yes, they're real. And they're spectacular.

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Hans Asperger himself remarked on the value of neurodiversity as a support of the community. You need your truthsayers, justice-obsessed idealists, and people who in general show the limits and issues with "the way things are."

The disorder is that the problem is social, not personal. It's a real problem staying employed when the politics of work matter more than the work you interviewed for, and which qualified you for the role.

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Thanks - I hadn't actually heard an alternate explanation, not that I wasted one single second looking anywhere but here ;-p

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"Is there no such thing any longer as Due Process?"Not at the Catalina Wine Mixer Bitch! Pow.

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Wow Vlad has a flexible neck!

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No shit. 😳😳😳😳 He probably got Russian money. McConnell did. And he got a half a mil from the Kochs the day after the shitty tax bill passed. If he did become president he he’d be one of the “fun ones“ - for kids 80 years in the future to learn about in school. The way Taft and Nixon are. 😞

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Yes, there is a reason, "May you live in interesting times" is a Chinese curse.

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I have multiple aquariums of dwarf shrimp, but to farm ones large enough to edible you need large ponds, with a good filtration system.

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Remember Russia funneled money through the NRA. Which means they probably own it now. And Putin doesn't allow that easy gun ownership on his turf.

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His point is, he's a scared wittle wabbit.

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At my mother's Catholic Church in Arizona, there's a guy who goes to communion every week wearing a red T-shirt emblazoned with the words SUPPORT STEM CELL RESEARCH. I give him a lot of credit for speaking his mind. The priest, also, to some degree because he could actually refuse to give the guy the sacrament if he wanted to.

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I fell head-over-heels for the supernova from Maldova, Bianna Golodryga, while watching her slice & dice Rohrabacher's pasty ass over Russia:


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Oh right, I forgot about that story with all the other BS coming out daily.

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