If they really had those powers they wouldn't need to ask other people for money.

That said, I have had some experiences that would be extremely unlikely in a completely materialistic world. Long stories, one of them highly personal.

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A cousin explained to me she had a visitation from our dead aunt. The aunt commented on various relationships in the dream.

That aunt was an avid investor. I told my cousin: if that happens again, skip the love report, ask her what stock to buy.

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Argentina not Brazil

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Eenie meanie chili beanie the spirits are about to speak!

Just make that out to "cash"

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Ta, Robyn. I wish you and yours a healthy, productive, and peaceful 2024; I don't have to hope it's stylish because how could it NOT be so?

I have never claimed psychic powers and if the dead are speaking to me, I don't hear them. However, I do read hands and Tarot. I want to share a funny Tarot story. My first Barbara G. Walker deck, along with the book she wrote on the subject, was a gift from my friend before he was my roommate. He bought it for the art but never used it because it's a "woman's deck." I wore it out, and bought another to replace it. I kept it under my pillow for at least a year. After roomie died, I decided it was time to read my cards.

The spread, which I started but did not complete, was BEAUTIFUL. It promised love, joy, alliance, and many kinds of success. I yelled aloud, "These are not my cards!" and put them back in their bag.

Well, they WERE my cards. Beloved fiancé Meccalopolis left me a voicemail almost a year ago, after inviting me to visit the Botanical Gardens while we were at Holly and Paul's Voluntary Commitment Ceremony. (Our first meeting was at the Red Hook WonkMeet; if you took a photo of me, please let me know.)

I didn't return the call because my roommate was dying and caring for him was a full time job on top of my full time job at the clinic. When the roommate died, Meccalopolis texted me some very kind words, so I called him.

Now we're living together, engaged to be married, and blissfully happy both at the pied-a-terre in the East Village (where we're fighting a no-good slumlord) and in our mountain aerie in the Catskills. While I still make no claim to psychic or other powers, our union is MAGIC.

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I love you, darling.

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While very suspicious of the Sound of Freedom narrative, its protagonist Ballard looks even worse now. Looks like this "rescue of trafficked children" narrative is just as fraudy as the move makes it appear. OUR, ARC, V4CR, et al, all birds of the same 501c(3) feather, collecting $$$ but very obscure about how many children they actually "rescue".

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Dear psychic: You need $3,000 to do a reading for me and rid me of dark energy? No problem!

Here's what you do:

1) Go to the nearest racetrack and use your powers to hit the trifecta for $10,000.

2) Keep $3K for yourself. The rest goes to me, of course, for thinking of the idea in the first place.

Then do the reading and rid me of the dark energy. Or don't. As long as you give me the extra money, it's all good. See, it's a win-win!

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I'm about 95% sure psychics are all BS. The only thing keeping me from getting to 100% is a couple of weird experiences I've had in the past.

Way back before I headed off to university I worked as a social care support worker for adults with autism. Part of my job was acting as a chaperone when the clients were collected from their homes and brought to the day centre.

One night I had a particularly vivid dream that the collection run was done with one of my colleagues driving, now this colleague did not drive, we caught the same bus into work every day. Another colleague (male) was sat in the passenger seat wearing a red and black flamenco dress.

I almost never spoke to these colleagues outside of work, and even speaking to them at work was rare as we worked in different day centres.

Anyway, the dream was so strange, and so vivid, that I ended up telling the coworker who I dreamt was the flamenco dress wearing passenger about it.

He looked at me weirdly and told me that was incredibly strange as the other colleague had just passed her driving test 2 days earlier. And on his last holiday he and his wife had won a flamenco competition at their hotel.

I have no explanation for that dream. And there have been one or 2 similar occurances over the years.

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I don't know if Tyler Henry, the soi-disant "Hollywood Medium" has ever outrageously scammed anybody for cash, but from broad white smile to unctuous voice, he comes across to me as a smarmy little faker.

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The only thing I find interesting about Kyle Richards is that her parents named her after Kyle Rote.

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