When I was Daniel Schorr's producer, they key light blew and glass rained down on Dan and his desk. This was during a live show. Dan tried to carry on in spite of it, but the molten glass burned through his pants and set his script on fire. I ran for the fire extinguisher and the director took black, just in case. Can't immolate the talent on live tv.

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He's so perfectly perfect!!!

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Yeah, also too the party of Ralph Nader splitting votes from Al Gore.

FUCK the Green Party.

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I...I do not have words to describe how insanely cool that sounds.

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And I certainly don't mind a dumb movie. Trainwrecks are fun, but it was terrible.

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I had a GF who was a belly dancer so I got to drink in the club she worked in at 19...loved Black Russians (the drink)...

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My best friend in high school was the stage manager her senior year. She carried a coconut for what I suspect were similar reasons (the nun who oversaw the drama club would not allow any actual weapons, but pointed out a coconut was not against the school rules.)

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" I am Chun"....

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Joel Grey seems to show up where I least expect him to, elevates what's he is in, and leaves me in a happier place after.

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Air Hugs!!!! Lots and lots of Air Hugs!!!!

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Hopefully today......my mom is better, but she needs 2 more departments to sign of on her release. We've been waiting since Wednesday for one of the departments to even walk in the door. I keep telling Sammy Mommy is coming home soon, and I'll hopefully be telling her the truth today!

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No, we do not. We had a Sheltie, the brains, and a Basset, the brawn. Every meal we had to feed them in separate rooms because Slinky, the Basset ate so fast, and would try to eat Gus' food. Gus would let him. When Gus passed, every meal for the rest of his life Slinky would finish eating, race to where Gus would eat, and you could see the second he remembered Gus was gone. Once after Gus passed, I had to go away on a 2 weeks business trip. Slinky barely left my room the entire time. When I got home he knocked me down on the couch and did not let me get up for quite a while.

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