30+ Amateur Home Renovations That Actually Happened! Tabs, Mon., Aug. 8, 2022
What are we reading today? Some tabs.
How did Republicans strip out insulin from the Inflation Reduction Act? Dunno, it's Sunday, let's ask Politico.
Donald Trump Jr. and a partner "were going to build 'millions of houses' for poor people in the developing world. They built virtually no units, left investors high and dry, and sued creditors rather than pay them." What? There must be some mistake. (The New Republic)
What, a pro-Trump clothing company ripped out all the Made In China labels and replaced them with big ol FRAUD? I just don't see how that is possible. — FTC
Uvalde and the failure of the "warrior cop." Excellent essay at The Bulwark.
John Fetterman's messaging masterclass. — Dan Pfeiffer substack
The Senate held hearings on death threats to elections workers. Or as rightwing media and officials would call it, the Senate "tried to threaten concerned citizens for being concerned." (19th News)
What absolutely disgusting people.
“All of them are low-quality people now. My god, this man is certifiably insane. ”
— Jerry Saltz (@Jerry Saltz) 1659887330
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer got Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana to sign on to an electric vehicle charging compact. Who does she think she is, Gavin Newsom? — Freep
The non-banks banks that are now ... you got it! too big to fail. (Democracy Journal)
Sure hope y'all don't have stock in Uber, this sounds like the world's best "bezzle" (fuckin con). But also, there's this!
This is a big deal! In Q2 alone, Uber transferred $2.8b from its drivers to its shareholders. If the company can keep that up, it will make its shareholders $11b richer (and its drivers $11b poorer) in 2022.
— Cory Doctorow at Pluralistic
Look at these fucking chuds. Project Veritas sues Stanford, the judge says it was nonactionable opinion, and Project Veritas decides opinion means "nonfactual" while insisting they're appealing because "words have meanings." (Reuters)
These renovations are honestly magnificent. (Reallifediy)
Keep Wonkette going forever please if you are able!
Do your Amazon shopping through this link, because reasons .