
Another quick source attrib for yer hed gif today. Have a nice weekend!


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Thanks! I just found out we can get birb flu from cows, so kittehs were/are very much needed. xx

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Apr 26Liked by Martini Glambassador

Does she want hair balls? Because that is how you get hair balls.

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Apr 26Liked by Martini Glambassador

After yesterday's steaming shit pile of news and SCROTUS arguments, kittens were much appreciated.

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Apr 26Liked by Martini Glambassador

Kittens always make me smile.

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Apr 26Liked by Martini Glambassador

So cute😻😻😻

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“Get in here, you smelly kitten! You need a baff, right nao!”

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Apr 26Liked by Martini Glambassador

Thank you. I love that so much. I'm not having a good day today, and you made me feel so happy for the moments I was watching the cats. Really.

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Apr 26Liked by Martini Glambassador

I hope your day gets better, Ellie.

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Apr 26Liked by Martini Glambassador

Too cute by half!

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Apr 26Liked by Martini Glambassador

Kitty grooming must be a rich panoply of varying tastes.

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Apr 26Liked by Martini Glambassador

All I know is if I were a cat, I'd be "grooming myself" all goddamn day. 😁

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Apr 26Liked by Martini Glambassador

Are you trying to kill us with kitteh cuteness overload???? Meeeeeeeelllllllllttttttiiiiinnnnng again.

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Apr 26Liked by Martini Glambassador


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Apr 26Liked by Martini Glambassador


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Apr 26Liked by Martini Glambassador


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Apr 26Liked by Martini Glambassador

More Tabzie cats - Yay!

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Apr 26Liked by Martini Glambassador

''Hold still, ya little bastard, so I can lick your balls clean. Jeeeezus, you must have found the catnip cookies.''

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By the time I followed the CNN link, I couldn't find anything about Huckabee Sanders. What's she up to now?

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She might be involved with the Arizona fake electors. I think.

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Oh! I wish I were more surprised. Thanks for letting me know.

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My things to hand out (vote for me things) are ready in about 20 minutes for pick up!

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My things to hand out (vote for me things) are ready in about 20 minutes for pick up!

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That article about Marines who snuck up on an A.I. by hiding under cardboard boxes and other ridiculous tricks noted that they were probably inspired by Looney Tunes and Metal Gear, but wonders "how do you walk like a fir tree?"

Dude who did that is obviously a fan of Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

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Apr 26Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

"Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee" is the main reason I've vetoed all my wife's requests to buy some property in Arkansas.

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"Cities don’t have militias, rural militias can’t take cities"

Literally, Oklahoma City, or does that not count?

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see, he's talking about actually holding the cities, against an armed force.

I feel like he's missing the militia for the trees!

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Apr 26Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

I noticed that, which is just a profound misunderstanding of what militias actually do. They don't need to hold anything, they'll be rampaging through, killing anyone they deem undesirable.

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Okay, I'm ready to move into that Detroit mansion. Just need another $3,249,000.

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Apr 26Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

After reading the Queen of AirBnB story....... sounds like an awful lot of family members of mine who have bipolar disorder.

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Maybe she should only speak for herself. JFC.


Jill Stein said the Jewish people have Poland? Huh wot.

95% of polish Jews were exterminated. Can Americans stop wanting to do population transfers on either side.

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Someone should ask her if she investigated all the 2016 election interference with all the money she raised

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True that.

At the very least, stop trying to give one group of people the land of some other people because you won a war and assume you now have divine providence to shuffle the deck and set up the cards for the next war.

I used to daydream sometimes about what the world would be like now if after WWII we had done something truly benevolent like given over vast underpopulated areas of the US for Jewish asylum and settlement. Maybe they would have managed to edify the rural states with much needed commerce and investment against the ravages of extractive capitalism.

And maybe things in the Middle East would be just a little less fraught.

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Early Zionists seriously considered to buy land for their new homeland in Argentina, but for good or bad, that didn't happen.

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Interesting. I hadn't known that was under consideration.

I've been mostly perturbed by the insistence by some that "Britain" created this mess in the first place and Americans are some how absolved as part of the prevailing alliance, even though we had a commission on how to resolve the issue that agreed with and endorsed the British proposal.

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See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andinia_Plan for example.

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Hmmph. Seems like there's far more discussion of the conspiracy theory about it online than there is actual concrete evidence to be had.

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Hence I said "considered". Obviously, it never went into more than "initial thoughts"; and we don't know how many were thinking in that direction.

Some did, that's all I am saying.

And maybe, it would be interesting to see timelines were those few followed up on their idea, and made it happen that way.

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Apr 26Liked by Rebecca Schoenkopf

As an old restaurant pro, my go-to is just the health department score. I've been through enough inspections that the score tells me what I need to know.

98? Some small violations that were likely situational and I don't care. 88? They're storing raw meat over produce and it's time to leave.

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Why can't you find the health department score card. It should be displayed in a prominent place. In South Carolina the score is posted on the entrance door.

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It's easy to find here I'm NC, also. I didn't mean to imply they're difficult to spot.

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I live in Texas and in more than five decades, I have never seen a health department score, anywhere. Until today, I didn't even KNOW there was such a thing as a health department score.

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The elusive little dark tip on the tail, so unique, that'll be fun to chase once it catches his eye!

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Here to be servicy:

POTATOHEAD is not a Spelling Bee pangram. Not even when you enter it a second time, just to be sure.

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This beer lover is miffed that HOPHEAD isn't in the word list today.

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That Sam Ezersky fellow clearly does not hang out at the educational mommyblog with recipes and dick jokes that is Wonkette.

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I'm still in awe that the Supreme Court is considering whether or not a president has the authority to overrule or straight-up disband and imprison (or worse) the Supreme Court...

Is my brain not working? Am I accidentally drinking formaldehyde? As per Good Morning Vietnam rules, if I get sick, do I get a free salad?

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Apr 26·edited Apr 26

You're one of the sane ones Kay.

I spent far too much time yesterday trying to conceive of the ruling this court will likely tie it's self in knots to achieve, where by some magic they can give Trump immunity, but not Biden.

A "it's only for Republican presidents" rule.

And then the rest of us will have our reason to join the students in the street.

If they are foolish enough to give presidents immunity, full stop... then I hope Biden will follow the spirit of their new law and "rid us of these meddlesome justices."

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easy peasy, like they did with the decision that GWB won the election, this decision is not to be used as precedent.

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