Well, yes, if Rand Paul was immortal. But he isn't. The end.

(I'm quite familiar with the halting problem - for instance, while it means you can't <em>in general</em> prove that an arbitrary program will stop, it doesn't mean there aren't specific programs for which it can be proven)

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Too bad <a href="http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch\?v=V8SEkuCkBcg&amp\;feature=related" target="_blank">Michael Holding</a> is retired.

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Internships are the best way to learn about dumb fools in positions of power, rather moreso than encountering them as peers in a scenario where they're mostly harmless (as long as you don't have long hair, <a href="http:\/\/gothamist.com\/2010\/10\/15\/video_yale_frat_boys_chant_no_means.php" target="_blank">a vagina</a> or <a href="http:\/\/www.cantonrep.com\/newsnow\/x826303572\/Ohio-State-graffiti-refers-to-Trayvon-Martin-shooting" target="_blank">dark skin</a>).

If we didn't give their fellow aristocrats the cover of some letters from a fancy school to hire the rich morons, <em>would they</em> still end up in positions of authority?

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The bong's just what he did while indulging in his preference to <em>not</em> learn anything, ever.

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See, this is why Romney's even more wrong than most people are pointing out.

Not only should smart kids who can't afford it be denied education on that basis, for the good of society, but stupid rich kids <em>shouldn't go to college</em> either, because they crowd out more deserving students.

It'd be vaguely interesting to do some analysis on what effect these entitled pricks have on tuition rates. On one hand they're not draining financial aid resources, but on the other hand their parents will pay whatever it takes to make sure Johnny isn't a <em>total</em> fucking embarrassment to them the rest of their lives, which surely drives up the price colleges can command?

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Just saying "Hello" to Boner is enough to get the waterworks going.

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Yeah, but he was a dentist.

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this is my favorite comment of the day.

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i still have my little 4 inch effigy of rand paul in shorts (mounted on a popsicle stick) that i took to a guy fawkes day party and forgot to burn.

it is thumbtacked to our kitchen wall and we alternately laugh at it and then cry at it and then one of us says "this guy is in the US senate". then some of us cry again.

today i believe there is more crying.

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I never got that far, I cheated the fuck outta that segment of my freshman curriculum. I blacked that shit out of my memory, still have that piece of shit on my bookshelf.

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Somebody clearly never took a civics class, right? Should we email bomb him with links to the wiki page for Marbury vs. Madison and/or the text of Federalist no. 78?

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Well, that's why he'd need to be sent the text ;)<br /><br />But, Daddy's fanboys are fond of discussing them, although rarely realize that they're almost invariably just proving how little they understand them in the process, so I imagine he's <em>heard of</em> them, even if that's the full extent of his awareness of them.

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Sounds like they all should've asked for a jury trial...

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That sounds like a chicken-or-egg problem to me.

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He shows no sign of stopping.

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Tricky to do after one is born. Although, if you can have a wine-cooler baby and still be a virgin afterwards, I guess it can't be ruled out.

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