they are here.

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oh and she looks absolutely horrifying on that 'delaware now/yesterday/sometime in delaware's history/whatevs' cover.

baby got some back and some jowls.

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John Stewart just announced that he's holding a Rally to Restore Sanity at the capital 10/30/10. I think he's serious.

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Bwahahahahaha! And so on.

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The pic with her <a href="http:\/\/media.washingtonpost.com\/wp-dyn\/content\/photo\/2010\/09\/14\/PH2010091407011.jpg" target="_blank">ginormous mouth open</a> indicates she's capable of sucking a golf ball through a garden hose. I imagine the boys she attended Fairleigh Dickinson University with remember her well.

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Technically, that'd keep her a virgin, amiright?

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The fact that this woman ever made any money as a professional pundit proves that either there's a shortage of articulate, conservative women, or that Fox will put any remotely hot chick on the air who is willing to recite the party line for a buck.

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Who is the man behind her, who is turned away from the camera but appears bowed in shame?

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