happy 4th George Takei.http://www.rawstory.com/201...

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Here you go: Grey Gardens Just watched it for the first time a month or so ago, and it's INCREDIBLE. See also this site too, also.

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In Jersey to make it even worse!

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That's an American alligator wearing a backpack nuke. Reprazent.

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Man, I miss Pete Seeger........................................

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Give this commenter a cigar. Not one from the Clinton Oval Office though. We all have suspicions where they've been.

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+100 for Seeger/Springsteen. The rest are a good mix of sweet, bitter, sour and salty. Kinda like American History.

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Now that right there is funny. Just sayin'..............

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I thought that it was a bad attempt at Sri Lanka, but to label it as 'more evil doers' would require some political awareness.

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That hurt like an M80 in the ear.

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Also the last refuge of a scoundrel.

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It was considered so. But a newer generation changed things. And look what happened! OK not 100% win, yet but it makes a Fourth that is much sweeter for all.

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Woody is coming back... with a hammer and Jay is with him with that homemade whip he used on the moneychangers. This is not your Reb Rapture.

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I agree, good on George! His statement and the conservative butthurt responses remind me of when Muhammad Ali refused to be inducted into the US Armed Forces during Vietnam, arguing that the Vietnamese weren't calling them the N-word or making them sit in the back of the bus. I hope those "Conservative bloggers" realize how disingenuous and hollow their cries of racism sound.

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Dog yes. The only kind of patriotism allowed (if any) is the emo kind epitomized by that song. (It's on my "please don't have a funeral for me but if you must here are the songs you must play" playlist.)

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