"This decision concerns only the contraceptive mandate and should not be understood to hold that all insurance-coverage mandates, e.g., for vaccinations or blood transfusions, must necessarily fall if they conflict with an employer’s religious beliefs. Nor does it provide a shield for employers who might cloak illegal discrimination as a religious practice."

Some would look at this part of the decision and think it means all other religio-fruitcase objections are invalid, but if you ask me, this is actually OPENING THE DOOR, arguable that this decision primarily <i>allows any 'religious objection'</i> to any other process, simply because that process doesn't fall into an "insurance-mandate" kind of structure.

I will wager Clarence Thomas' entire interracial porn collection that corporations will be definitely using this decision to fuck more people over, specifically in areas having nothing to do with "insurance mandates" or "illegal discrimination" because "that's the only thing this decision specifically limited."

And even more specifically, I'd say this decision will be used to allow any and all 'legal discrimination,' only now based on so called religious practices.

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IS[W]YD[T], you [sic]ko!

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It is easy to tell which things are allowed and which aren't, by the clear language in the decision that says "it is whatever we say it is, today."

Subsequent decisions will be based on "Because we said so, we're Supreme Court Justices, the best justices ever. Duh it's right in our name."

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SCOTUS restored a vital piece our Constitution today [sic]. It’s a great day for all <i>Corporation-</i>Americans! [the other sicker sic]

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Cheney thinks this is a great idea! You mean more no-bid contracts for Halliburton, right?

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Yes, and how many of the 5 are Catholic? Yep, that's right. Thomas, Roberts, Scalia, Alito, and Kennedy. All five of them. Nope, Hobby Lobby must LOVE the Catholics.

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Why not both?

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Yes, my extremely devout Catholic sister-in-law has 3 children, born within 6 or 7 years, well-spaced, and then no more. Suuuure she didn't use birth control.

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Steel-toed boots. (hugs Weedlord back!)

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Those with the gold get to make the rules.

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Perhaps Santorum should add a little Preposition H to his frothy mix....

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What a lovely start to the week.

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Don't you know that wearing a gold cross around your neck exempts you from any rules you don't want to follow?

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<i>"Today the Supreme Court handed our nation a landmark victory for religious liberty. The decision affirms that Americans, contrary to what the Obama Administration attempted to impose, have a right to live and work in accordance to their conscience and can’t be forced to surrender their religious freedom once they open a business.”</i>

Certainly "their religious freedom" includes Sharia Law, right?

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At this point a few Daleks would probably be a quick mercy.

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I see we can add "bragging when your side wins" to the list of things that IOKIYAR.

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