When encountering a dog, there are 2 simple rules that will save you a lot of pain and discomfort: 1) Don't put your hand in the dog's mouth. 2) Don't put your groin in the dog's mouth.
Now let's compare the coverage Faux News gave of the owner of the unleashed dog in NY Central Park who called the cops on a bird watcher for the crime of, uh, being in the park.
"WATTERS: All of a SUDDEN this WOMAN starts approaching me on the TRAIL!"
First sentence gives the game away. A woman approached him, and he didn't know how to react because to quote Penthouse Letters, "I never thought this would happen to me."
Dogs sense evil and often protect their owners from predators like Jesse who sabotage women’s means of escape so they can force proximity on them. But, he hates to show he’s in pain, because he also an insecure juvenile who thinks people value things like that. Poor Jesse, he showed his pain and looked foolish in front of a well-made vehicle.
a) has the amazing good fortune of overhearing peope and astoundingly they are b) Democrats who c) are sorry that they voted for Biden. Every convo she overhears. What luck!
(1) Given his current mental state, how would we even know if he'd gotten rabies?
(2) I've known forever that my mom doesn't like dogs, but I didn't know *why* until this summer. It turns out that when she was a girl in India, she got bitten by a street dog, and had to get post-exposure rabies vaccination. This was in the '60s, so multiple injections -- did I mention she doesn't like needles either? -- over several weeks. 😱
As a yung’un I picked up a baby bat and petted it, and as a result also had to have a series of rabies injections. Still tempting but I will likely never pet a baby bat again.
When encountering a dog, there are 2 simple rules that will save you a lot of pain and discomfort: 1) Don't put your hand in the dog's mouth. 2) Don't put your groin in the dog's mouth.
Now let's compare the coverage Faux News gave of the owner of the unleashed dog in NY Central Park who called the cops on a bird watcher for the crime of, uh, being in the park.
"WATTERS: All of a SUDDEN this WOMAN starts approaching me on the TRAIL!"
First sentence gives the game away. A woman approached him, and he didn't know how to react because to quote Penthouse Letters, "I never thought this would happen to me."
Jesse, the woman did not "approach you" she was walking on a public trail in the opposite direction.
Yes, very true. And if anyone should be denied their dreams/fantasies, it's Jesse Watters.
I hear Subaru’s are great. I think my first Subaru will be their EV, when they offer it.
Dogs sense evil and often protect their owners from predators like Jesse who sabotage women’s means of escape so they can force proximity on them. But, he hates to show he’s in pain, because he also an insecure juvenile who thinks people value things like that. Poor Jesse, he showed his pain and looked foolish in front of a well-made vehicle.
She was driving a Subaru and we all know what that means…
That if a car company treats its customers politely and respectfully that they buy more cars.
As opposed to, like, insulting them and pandering to their worst instincts like a common Fox News.
I was a Democrat long before I owned my first Subaru. My neice has one, she's unaffiliated.
Dogs know.
"The dog is just an extra."
No the dog is the star of the show, it bit Jesse Watters in the peener after all, let's all applaud its sacrifice!
The dog must have been a Chihuahua to bite something so small as Jesse Watters' penis.
Michelle Wolf did a bit about Jesse's story, too -- although she got too bored to make it all the way through to the dog bite.
a dog bite that punctured the skin and/or took a "chunk" out but didn't bleed? and his viewers nod along and believe this?
They're used to believing far less plausible things, why should they blink at this?
There is some woman on Twat(X)ter that
a) has the amazing good fortune of overhearing peope and astoundingly they are b) Democrats who c) are sorry that they voted for Biden. Every convo she overhears. What luck!
Jesse- "I saw a lady and a Democrat Dog and they had a baby and the baby looked at me!"
What's that phrase we used to use for TFG? "Whiney-titty-piss-baby", or something like that?
Also, rape-face's story totally did not happen.
Whiney-ass titty baby.
I'm a fan of both, actually. They each have a certain panache.
(1) Given his current mental state, how would we even know if he'd gotten rabies?
(2) I've known forever that my mom doesn't like dogs, but I didn't know *why* until this summer. It turns out that when she was a girl in India, she got bitten by a street dog, and had to get post-exposure rabies vaccination. This was in the '60s, so multiple injections -- did I mention she doesn't like needles either? -- over several weeks. 😱
As a yung’un I picked up a baby bat and petted it, and as a result also had to have a series of rabies injections. Still tempting but I will likely never pet a baby bat again.