I see nuance has no place in your thinking. You win. This is all the fault of Justice Ginsberg. All of us that didn't wake up after Bush v. Gore are absolved. Imagine a dismissive wanking motion here.

My entire point about the GOP takeover of the courts is that "the voters did it". Republicans focused their votes on the courts for 40 years and got the results they wanted. We did not and then 2016 happened.

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No, not really, but then again, I don’t really care what your answer is. How about we just quit with this now.

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You are just full of Straw Men and false dilemmas. You are a walking logical fallacy. You make enemies out of people who disagree with you slightly. You are the epitome of an American theist

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not a badass as such, but he used to exhibit symptoms of integrity, now and then

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You are welcome. Who knew that a BA in Poli. Sci. would useful 46 years later. :-)

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that's it, boyo, we can divert the fascists from their rolling coup by fighting amongst ourselves. that always works.

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Happily blocking you. Bye.

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Agree totally. While Republican voters claim to want gun control laws in polls, clearly it is not a priority to them. I'd also add that they just will never be able to vote for Democrat no matter what. Ergo, I think it is very unlikely we'll get any gun reform any time soon.

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Michael, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. I wish him the best on his recovery.

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Great comment. Good for you!

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Politics as team sports is a hell of a drug...

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I know it is very centrist to think the Supreme Court, something like a million Americans, and a coup mattered after 2020or that 3000 people in the World Trade Towers, 300000 dead Iraqis, 175000 Afghanis, and 10000 Americans serving in the military dead after 2016could possibly matter more than your feelings.

Imagine telling their survivors your story about OMG it is SOOO hard to vote.

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It is not a *sport*. It is not a game, precious. It determines if people live or die.You think genocide is LOLs?

Trump:the Supreme Court, something like a million American excess deaths, and a coup and check the maternal death rate increases.

Bush: 3000 people in the World Trade Towers, 300000 dead Iraqis, 175000 Afghanis, and 10000 Americans serving in the military dead

They matter more than your feelings. The fact that you think this is sportsball shows you are white, and that you are morally repugnant.

Imagine telling their survivors your story about OMG it is just sportsball and the team annoyed you.


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Imagine blaming people who don't carbon-copy think exactly like you do that not only is it their fault for not voting the way Tina Mouse thinks they should vote, but they're also very bad naughty people who should understand they're the problems in this country, not the political system.

And you wonder why young people and the disenfranchised drop out of the system all together.

You and your sort are tiresome.

You know what? I'm going to write "Tina Mouse" on my ballot instead of voting for Joe Biden in 2024. Then it'll be partly your fault too.

XXOO and enjoy

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I'm not the one shrieking "vote blue no matter who".

Only one of us is saying that the other is morally repugnant for not voting the way they think people should.

But no, go on, it's probably very therapeutic to rail at the "Lazy Leftists" who ruin every election. It's not at all the fault of the people who are actually you know, runnig for office. Or the systemic problems that said office holders aren't willing to actually fix.

No, it's the people who are wrong, Principal Skinner.

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