I lost all hope after Sandy Hook. America's reaction to 2nd graders being gunned doen in their school? MAH GUNZ! GON' TAKE MAH GUNZ! Fucking sick.

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When we interpret it properly, it's really just an archaic holdover that allows state legislatures to assemble state militias in the event that the Federal government oversteps its Constitutional mandates. Never meant to be an unregulated individual right.

The Militia Act of 1792 defines a "militia." Surprisingly, it's much more than just a bunch of fucking yahoos wrapped in camo screaming about the blood of tyrants and shooting up the local woods.

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Violent Leftist AntiFa Super Soldiers!!!!1!!1!!!!1!!!

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I love these kids so damn much.

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ahem . . . *raises hand from way in back*

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How about this one? https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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I think Barack Obama changed that somewhat - he really appealed to the younger voters and they turned out in droves to vote for him. Hopefully they'll be able to run someone in 2020 that will have the same effect.

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Start with the state legislatures. Connecticut didn't need anyone's OK to put in some good gun control laws after Sandy Hook.... And they worked, too.

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Not to mention ... false flag, crisis actors, never happened, Deep State faked it. Sicker yet, if that's possible.

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I am also of the opinion that a major reason for the 2A was that the new government was desperately afraid of the possibility for the use of a standing army to terrorize the citizenry. It was one of the things cited in the Declaration of Independence, and it's what the Third Amendment is all about. Their intent was to have a reasonably trained citizenry that could be called into action when needed - with the cost benefit that the government wouldn't have to maintain arsenals.

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As was stated in the DC v. Heller decision, too.

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This time is different, I think. Hopefully we can drink a toast to you being wrong this November.

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Or take the stick out of her bunghole.

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https://uploads.disquscdn.c... I met this young man at the March For Our Lives event at my alma mater, VA Tech, which suffered a mass shooting in 2007 that killed 32 people. In the aftermath, VA Governor Tim Kaine signed legislation that closed loopholes allowing mentally unfit people to own guns, and perhaps the only federal gun control legislation in decades (and none since) was mandated - a meager improvement in state reporting to the NICS in an attempt to stop gun sales to criminals. There is far, far more to do. This kid wasn't even born then, and I hope he never lives to see gun violence in Blacksburg ever again.

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They have to care about their choice. Between LBJ and Nixon, it was a shit sandwich. The sides are much more clearly drawn in this situation, and it seems they are mobilized.and optimistic. This was the largest event in DC ever, put together by kids (and a few million bucks, of course), and their parents are behind them all the way. I think it really is a movement this time.

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