Abortion Ban States Soon Won't Have Anyone To Deliver The Babies They Want To Force People To Have
This week's reproductive rights roundup!
Gonna Be Real Hard For These States To Be ‘Pro-Life’ When They Don’t Have Any Doctors
Yet another study has told us what we already know — that states that ban abortion are also not going to have a whole lot of obstetricians and gynecologists.
The report, published Thursday in Obstetrics & Gynecology, the official journal of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, surveyed almost 350 newly graduated ob-gyns. Seventeen percent of them said that their plans for where they wanted to practice changed after the Dobbs decision … and they were eight times more likely to say that it made them not want to go to a state that restricted abortion than the opposite.
Additionally, 90 of those surveyed included something about “not living in a state with abortion restrictions” in their responses to open-ended questions.
These states, by and large, already do not have great maternal mortality situations. This will get worse, obviously, if they do not have people there to deliver their babies, particularly for those with already risky pregnancies. Why? Because people, generally, do not want to go to prison for doing their job.
And Speaking Of People Going To Prison …
A woman was sentenced to five years in prison for burning down what was supposed to be the first full service abortion clinic in Wyoming in nearly a decade.
Lorna Roxanne Green was turned into police by several tipsters after they offered a reward for $15,000 for information leading to the arrest of the anti-choice arsonist.
Green confessed to breaking into the Wellspring Health Access in Casper, pouring gasoline into pans all around the building and and then lighting it on fire, saying she did so because she opposed abortion and was having nightmares about the clinic. The poor dear!
While abortion is still legal until viability in Wyoming, it is not accessible — the only other clinic in the state, 250 miles away from Casper, offers only abortion pills and does not perform surgical abortions. Those seeking abortion usually have to go to Colorado or elsewhere to obtain one.
Abortion Is Legal In Wisconsin Again, But Forced Birthers Still Want Providers Prosecuted.
After Dane County Circuit Judge Diane Schlipper ruled this that Wisconsin’s 1849 ban did not apply to elective abortions, many of the state’s abortion providers went back into business. However, a coalition of anti-abortion groups is now demanding that Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne and Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm just pretend the ruling never happened and prosecute them anyway.
The coalition, which includes Wisconsin Right to Life, Wisconsin Family Action and Pro-Life Wisconsin, held a press conference this week in which they claimed that because Schlipper’s ruling was not a “final order,” district attorneys could still prosecute providers if they wanted, which both Ozanne and Chisholm have said they definitely do not want to do.
Texas County Wants To Arrest Abortion Seekers For Using Their Roads
The commissioners of Cochran County, a small Texas county on the border of New Mexico, voted unanimously this week to ban those looking to get an abortion in the neighboring state from driving on their roads.
Via Texas Tribune:
The five-member panel in Cochran County, which sits about an hour west of Lubbock, agreed with Mark Lee Dickson, founder of the “sanctuary cities” initiative, who said the ordinance was needed to finish the work started in the state’s near-total ban, often referred to as Senate Bill 8.
“This ordinance would close some of the loopholes that exist in this fight,” Dickson said. “It’s saying the roads, and the airport, could not be used for abortion trafficking into New Mexico.”
County Commissioner Eric Silhan introduced the ordinance to the county’s governing body, saying it’s a way to stand for “the people who can’t speak for themselves.”
Oh, puke.
The travel ban would explicitly apply to those who drive people to get abortions and not those who have them, because they wouldn’t want to seem rash. Like Texas’ other ordinances, this would rely on people snitching on their friends, neighbors and family members (or, more likely, the ex they want to punish for leaving them).
It is not remotely clear how it would work otherwise, unless they just banned “driving while pregnant” in general and put cops up all over the county with trunks full of Clearblue Easy to run surprise pee tests on suspect passengers. That seems like a lot of work just to make sure people are not using your roads for reasons you dislike!
I mean, it’s not even technically illegal to use a road to travel to murder someone, and yet they want to make it illegal to travel to another state to do something that is legal in that state? Like it would technically be more legal to drive on their roads on your way to embezzle a large sum of money than it would be to drive your friend to get an abortion. Cute.
And Speaking Of Texas …
Texas AG Ken Paxton wants to sue Yelp for one million dollars for being mean to “crisis pregnancy centers” by putting a warning label up that said they “typically provide limited medical services and may not have licensed medical professionals on-site,” which is true.
Paxton, however, claimed that the warning — which actually has not been up in months and was replaced with a disclaimer noting that they are not abortion clinics — was “misleading and often untrue.” It is not. Three-quarters of these centers do not have a nurse on staff and 84 percent do not have a physician on staff. That would certainly qualify as “typical.”
Of course, if things keep going the way they’re going according to that survey we mentioned earlier, that label may soon need to be slapped on Texas itself. Either that or they will just reinvent the barber surgeon for the new era, creating legions of licensed barber obstetricians across the state. Or bikini waxer gynecologists, even, since they are down there already.
God I hope that stays a joke.
We now have more restrictive abortion laws than IRELAND.
Fucking IRELAND.
As a doctor (radiologist) let me again note that the doctor drain is not just going to be in ob-gyn.
There is no specialty other than perhaps male urology and geriatrics that could not have potential cross-over with abortion through the diagnosis or treatment of a familial or fetal or maternal condition in which termination is preferable.
Doctors in every area of practice are waking up to the reality that they are on the firing line in forced birth states along with their ob/gyn colleaguies.