Joe McCarthy

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How does he have standing? If he doesn’t want his daughters going near a Title X clinic, that’s his business. How does it merit a statewide ban on everyone else’s behavior?

These are rhetorical questions, obvs.

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I feel like I should know what "PK" means in this context, but I'm drawing a blank...?

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Absolutely. The biggest mistake this country ever made, after slavery, was letting the South vote after the war. I say that as a southerner, too.

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These are legal questions, as far as I (a NOT lawyer) can understand. And if he sent a daughter in there, then is that implicit consent? Like, forcing a girl kid in for an exam and an offer of medication ... though WITH his consent or encouragement ... I'm tired.

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Those on the Right make a most compelling case for abortion.

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They should have all been forced into some kind of re-education program until they damned well changed their fucking racist views.

I hate saying that, but honest to God I don't see any other solution to this horrible fucking racist problem we have in this country.

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Unfortunately, this does not provide any legal protection to the recipients, who may find themselves in prison (or owing their nosy neighbor $10,000) in certain states should they take the pills to end a pregnancy.

I would put real money on Texas forced birthers actually going after the mail carriers personally under the bounty law for "facilitating" abortions, just as they once intended to go after Uber drivers who drove a woman to clinic.

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If teens can't get birth control, they won't have sex. Cut off the birth control and you prevent all the naughty sex and therefore also too prevent any accidental pregnancy. It is known.

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Preacher’s Kid(s) - ?

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That one man's sick obsession with the potential sex lives of his daughters is a huge red flag. I hope the child welfare authorities are paying attention,

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All the words he used to describe what he doesn't like are all subjective, vague and/or undefined. "Filthy" and "vile" are particularly subjective. This is still a law? Why don't we get rid of bad laws?

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because there is always some thumbsucker who believes that doing so will ruin the state. or country

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RWNJ's think that removing birth control will translate into more (white) babies. It will certainly result in more unwanted pregnancies.

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Actually states cannot interfere with or impede delivery of the mail at all.

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