“He was an admiral.” Trump


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Sorry I’m a little late here, and also if this question has already been asked, but…

Who in hell’s name hired this guy to be the POTUS physician in the first place? I mean, geezus kryst on a stick, wouldn’t some nominal vetting have DQ’d him?

Seriously, one wrong diagnosis and some serious shyte would come down. FFS!

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I was enlisted scum in the Air Force where/when you're not supposed to fraternize with officers so when an older gentleman came into the beer bar across the street from my barracks and started talking to our table of latent alcoholics, we found out that he used to be a full bird colonel (which I think is the equivalent of a Navy captain but I'm too lazy to look it up) and that ALL of his rank had been stripped from him so he was no longer welcome at the officer's club. Apparently he had been caught with cocaine and to top that off, he was charged with "adultery". That last charge was rather shocking since everyone fucked around back then. And probably still do.

Anyway, that's what should have happened to old shitbird Ronny with maybe a little time in a military prison. That would be a lot more humiliating (for him) and satisfying (for us).

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Fucking Ronny is running unopposed for reelection (well, I guess there's a Libertarian candidate, so 'virtually unopposed').

I hate this state sometimes.

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Does he know "admiral" is derived from Arabic? Why does Ronnie hate America?

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I was only a SP4 (98G/German), but as a veteran I despise people who embroider their military record, especially shitfuques like Jackson. My service was not especially distinguished, but I got a Good Conduct Medal and was never stripped of my exalted rank. How ya doin', Ronnie?

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SP4 (11Bush, 25th Inf)

EIB, but no GCM (TBF, conduct did suck). Did manage to hang on to my E1 at the end.


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I think people catch some weird virulent brain disease by getting too close to Trump. It’s debilitating, humiliating and evidently incurable, considering they wanna run it back again somehow.

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As one of the world’s foremost news analyzers, ..


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I don't get why the DoD/DoN didn't court-martial CAPT Ron. No, not Kurt Russell, the drug dealer CAPT Ron.

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Now do Michael Flynn, with court-martial and dishonorable discharge.

(Have a brother who was a lieutenant in the National Guard; it *really* pisses him off that seditious MF still has his rank.)

Also 𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘣𝘰𝘥𝘺, 𝘪𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 was a mental image we didn’t need, Evan. 😾

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Having been an MI-soldier myself (CEWI/SIGINT, for them that know), I especially despise the treasonous Flynn.

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Please everyone, in all respect, he referred to himself as General Michael Flynn Bitch.

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I swear this is relevant and I will try to be concise but that's not my strength.

Back in the early days of humping, in college, I was dating (let's call him for funzies) Ron, who was the Commodore of the Sailing Club.

There was also a Sailing Team. The team competed against other college teams and had regular practices, like a team would.

While the team and club did the same thing - sail little sail boats - the two groups had totally different rosters and boats and funding and leadership. There was very little crossover. No hate, but not a whole lot of friendship, either. A dumb boy I regretted knowing was on the team, so that group was dead to me.

Well, as a social nerd, I was chatting up the very booblicious new roommate of a friend, and it turned out we were both sailors! Boobs matter to this story since I have AA's and she had double big letters. Boobs always matter.

Anyway, we're smiling at each other like Gwendolyn and Cecily and she asks if I know Ron, the Captain of the Sailing Club. Well, no one gets Commodore correct. Captain works. Why yes, I do know Ron, Commodore of the Sailing Club.

She comments that I must be the new girl he told her he's dating. Excuse me, but by this point, Ron and I have been "dating" for over a year. So I tell her that, which surprises her, since SHE had dated him more recently than a year ago. She asks how well I know him. I lean over the table between us and clarify that I KNOW HIM know him. She says she ALSO knows him knows him. Biblically.

We're staring each other down, hands pressed to the table and leaning closer and closer, deciding if we hate each other, or are we ready to start calling this ass clown who is in deeeep shit for dating both of us at the same time.

And then, lightbulb! Guess who the Captain of the Team is? Another Ron. I asked her, do you mean Ron, from the TEAM? Yes of course, she nods. I explain that MY Ron is in charge of the Club, and the other Ron (hers) was in charge of the Team.

Commodore, Captain, who cares, right? Titles shmitles.

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Trump's a healthy stallion and I'm a Rear Admiral! #TRUTHMACHINE

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Isn't it illegal to impersonate an officer or claim to be a higher rank? Fucking Orange Privilege again...

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It would fall under "stolen valor," but it would only be illegal if you defraud someone with it. Just being an aszhole would not, I think, qualify.

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8

Admiral, er captain, uh Commander Popper of the Oxy Fleet

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"Ronny" Jackson.

What is he, 12 years old?

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Captain Ron?

Like this?


Kurt Russell played an idiot in that movie ... and it appears to be proof that time travel is real, because otherwise HOW COULD THEY HAVE KNOWN?

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That was a stupid, but fucking hilarious, movie!

Based on a true story I guess.

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