And include cable, podcasts and FB/twitter.

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A true American export. We manufacture mass death and it spreads around the world like a common virus.

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Constable Stevenson was without doubt a crisis actor. I mean, they all are. Just ask Alex Jones.

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Last I knew it was the Hells Angels bringing guns into Quebec from the states.

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They were big meth cooks back in the day also too.1 or 2 of the HA at a time wasn't bad but when the gang rolled in, we rolled out.

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The shooter's back story keeps getting nastier. He had a couple of disputes over property ownership, including one with his uncle, and a 2001 charge for beating up a teenage boy. The latter resulted in a conditional discharge and 9 months of probation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

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I know, right? How cruel! (/S)

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Sandy Hook parents have had enough I think. Besides, you know that someone would call all those pictures crisis actors

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NZ didn't use the name of their shooter either - kudos

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Yeah, but if they really hurt your feelings, they'll tell you they're sorry.

In French.


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The pain and suffering of the Sandy Hook parents will never go away. And if we allow the people who shout “crisis actors” to win what hope is there in the world? We have to prevail. We just have to prevail.

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I may not be willing to risk my life to prop up the bottom line of some megacorporation restaurant line, but, for this, yeah. Count me in.

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Raw Story. Sez right on the dark band up top.

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Alex Jones belongs in prison.

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That guy on the right needs to exercise some tie discipline. And I think that lady's nose might be attached to those glasses. And the less said about that sweater, the better(!)

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Yes! First; Don our masks and tote our sanitizer and vote the GOPers out of The White House, House & Senate!Next; Write up a TO-DO LIST OF TRUE AMERICAN FREEDOM...* Impeach, convict and replace Gorsuch with a Progressive!* Reinstate all good programs that Obama started that Trump dismantled.* Make the ERA law.* Strong regulations against business and banks.* Make the 1% PAY THEIR TAXES!* Reform Law Enforcement and the Prison System.* End outsourcing with penalties and taxes. Companies may be free to expand to other countries but NOT close anything here!* BRING BACK THE FAIRNESS DOCTRINE and NET NEUTRALITY!* Tax religious institutions if they get into politics directly.* Streamline the immigration system. Beef up DACA.* Beef up the ACA or create Single Payer healthcare.* Get it into people's thick skulls that taxes are a "necessary evil" and that, done right, it's not going to drain a poor person's income. Richies MUST PAY THEIR FAIR SHARE.* Stop equating Socialism with Communism!* Get Big Fossil, Big Lumber and Big Kaboom to expand what they sell and get into Green Energy, Hemp & Bamboo, Non-Weaponry, etc. That would solve a lot there. Get it into their thick skulls that they don't have to make folks suffer or trash the planet in order to be rich.* Ban assault weapons and have a national set of gun safety laws.* Legalize non-addictive recreational drugs (regulated with quality controls and such).* Not only have a Minimum Wage (enough to survive on) but a Maximum Wage (Not more than a couple of million).* A strong school curriculum of "Ethical Behavior/Coping With Malaise", "Anti-Bigotry Education" and "Comprehensive Sex Ed".* Liberal/Progressive/Mainline religions need to reclaim their faiths and end frummery forever!* Tell Saudi Arabia and Russia to go fuck themselves and pressure Israel to accept Palestinians as free and equal citizens. The nation will be called Israeli-Palestine or The Levant or something...SHARE, YOU BABIES!...there's other stuff, too. Anyone add some ideas?

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