And while we're doing a Trump/Star Wars mashup:

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The Clintons are awesome. You gotta admit their likable to talk to. Just the fact they both inspire apoplectic contortions of rage on the right, is ALL I need, honestly. It's one thing if Conservatives had a kind word for EITHER of them. Bernie Bros will have you believe Hillary is one of them; ignore the dozens of politically motivated witch hunts of the last 2 years, or 20 years.

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Trump is Hilarious. This will all be a laugh riot a year from now; we need a tragic comedy documentary just outlining the whole ridiculous Reality Show this entire campaign is. One of his Foreign Policy advisors sued Montana Tribes for, seriously now, trying to help Turkey Nuke the USA. AND wrote a piece about Grover Norquist being an Islamic Radical Terrorist which is why he's kicked out of NRA http://www.newsmax.com/Jose...

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I thought Fiorina was (electorally) flirting with Cruz. Sort of a he'll send the immigrants back where they came from, she'll outsource (excuse me, 'rightshore') your job to them once they get there tagteam.

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Knights of the Old Republic reference FTW!

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...or Addison's. Obviously left out of his "really great, super terrific, phenomenal" health record

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the depths of your stupid is incalculableThank you for your super-intelligent reply that - as usual - doesn't at all make you look like a mouth-breathing troglodyte.

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well depends on the gods - the Greek Gods were happy with just a thigh wrapped in fat and burnt and Christie has that down. One assumes then the rest would be made into hamburger to serve as the staff victory party.

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I'm in North Carolina, I'll need a man card, a woman card, and a card with Prince's symbol on it. Thanks in advance.

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He might give the Vogons a run for their money. He might not stop there, though. FSM help us.

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hell, they've moved on to those giant rolling billboards these days

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What I want to know is the Trump campaign's decisionmaking process for determining when they let Bridge Troll out of his cage to stand by his master, looking bewildered.

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Oh, that be where I left them.

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