And 15 natural teeth among 'em.

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Alaska used part of its Exxon settlement money to build a really cool sea-life center in Seward, which - assuming there is excess settlement money after cleaning everything up (*), seems a lot better choice than rehabilitating a second governor's mansion that should and could have been addressed at any point over the last couple decades. In Alaska's case the choice created a new tourist attraction in an impacted area, providing a continuing benefit. In Alabama's case I fail to see the benefit to those who don't have to keep looking at the eyesore AL should have addressed long ago anyway.

(*): I've mentioned before...but while sea kayaking in Prince William Sound in 1998, first night out from Whittier, I set up camp at the entrance to Blackstone Bay. Next morning...pulled up my tent stakes, and saw oil on the bottom of one. Right about here. So probably Alaska's declaration of victory was a bit premature as well.

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When John Kasich became Governor, he already had a house in a Columbus suburb, and he opted to stay there rather than move to the Governor's mansion so his kids could continue at their school. Of course, the taxpayers of Ohio had to pony up funds to install a state-of-the-art security system, and we were also generous enough to make a few mortgage payments on Governor's Mansion 2.0.

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I think they want to fix it up to provide a home for vermin.

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I can't wait for the Fox News report on this that "accidentally" labels him a Democrat.

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I do love the Flora-bama though.

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Thank you, Galadriel.

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As long as the renovation includes solar panels so it can be referred to as the green house. Pontoons placed under it might also be a smart idea as sea level increases tend not to be kind to sea level beach front properties.

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"Thank you, Alabama, but your riches are in in anothet castle..."

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Bet they don't have a DMV

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... all 90-somethings who haven't heard the bad news about the Civil Rights Act yet.

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Now this is the sort of executive experience I demand when appraising a presidential candidate. The Right Stuff.

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The link in the article where that is mentioned links to another Wonkette article that has more information about that (if you didn't know yet).

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Obummer should. Never mind. The faux idiot that said he doesn't give a shit was partially correct. There are many things he should care about. He could have the DOJ on this governors ass for misappropriating federal funds. Surely there is some way these fed dollars could be taken away. These retardpublicans need to be stomped on often and hard. At the very least O could publicly shake his finger in this fools face and say Now cut that out. The likelihood of that happening is in the same ball park as snow in jacksonville this winter. My Jacksonville, not theirs.

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Suggest 100 grit TP for the Gov's personal throne. That'll clean up his act.

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The sea level does not rise in Reb states without legislative permission. And solar panels cause cancer.

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