Um…no. Or I guess, only if you assign a dollar value to your child’s life.

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Well, of course! Freedom of speech only applies to fascists, don't you know?

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Legally, the court can start garnishing his income and seizing assets.

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These large damage awards are sort of nonsensical because they never get paid. Jones has nothing near $965 million. Forbes sets his net worth a about $135 million A better solution would be to order all of his assets frozen and placed in receivership until an independent audit can be performed. A lookback period to when the complaint was first lodged should be included. NO asset dumping, just in case , After that the judge could award what is deemed by the court to be reasonable percentage. If an appeal is filed assets remain frozen and in receivership until the appeals process is exhausted.

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That's what always gets me when I hear conservative whine about "deplatforming" and it's never because they were conservative people with RW viewpoints--it's because they can't control themselves and behave in a civil manner in compliance with the platforms ToS. That always pisses me off because they're not getting kicked for being conservative, they're getting banned for violation of the ToS. Because before Trump, this problem was rare but Trump seemed to bring out their inner-ahole and get them all banned.

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That's probably only a part of the story because I'm sure he has funds in offshore accounts, such as the Caymans.

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Apparently, the memo has gone out. All references to the Biden administration shall be REGIME. They're like little automatons.

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Midge: Were his words wrong and did he apologize? Yes.

Alex: And guess what, we're not scared and we're not going away and we're not going to stop,

Hell of an apology, that.

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I believe the $965 mil was punitive damages. Added to the actual damages previously announce, it breaks the billion mark.

(Actual damages includes compensatory - reimbursement for financial losses incurred - and also pain and suffering - I forget the exact tern. Punitive damges because a civil court can't send you to prison, but you should eb sent there.)

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I do so enjoy when people reference poetry. Helps me feel my BFA in English Lit was worth it . 😉

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in order for him to feel anguish and pain he'd have to be self aware - he's not. he doesn't have the same link to objective reality that allows him to compare the shitshow that he is with the rest of the world and be ashamed

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Oh goodness, he also said "the regime." It's like these fucking dorks all masturbate to the same fan fiction.

This, this is why MAGA circle jerks are the worst circle jerks.

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Humanity and any shred of decency.

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And he can't even hide his assets with family because - ding ding - he's alienated them all.

He's still acting confident to save face, but wait until the asset seizures begin.

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No. That was the actual damages. The judge gets to decide whether to tack on punitive damages, in this jurisdiction.It will also be up to the judge whether to issue a stay on enforcement of the judgment, pending appeal. Such stays are ordinarily granted, but this is one of the exceptional cases when it might be denied (because of Jones's open expression of his wishes to stiff the plaintiffs, and his general contempt of court).

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