Sez who?

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Then you're admitting you are stupid.


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It's why Mike Moore called his US Healthcare shockumentary Sicko.

Something I think that does not translate from the rest of the 1st world to the USA and back is just how shockingly scroogy the US Healthcare system is. I think for y'all it's so common place that it is mostly unremarkable and to the rest of us it is so awful we can't really comprehend it.

The one that made it hit home for me was an article about woman whose family got worms. They have pet cats and dogs.. it's not that unusual, but she was horrified. Rushed to the doctor and got medicine. I think it was $125 per person, 2 adults and 3 kids. In an Australian pharmacy the whole family dose, chewable chocolate flavoured, is $16 off the shelf. That and the way people stay in shitty abusive jobs because they need the health insurance for a dependant.

Those things do not happen outside the USA. Your medical care is not so expensive that you need to have insurance or a top %5 job to pay for it and it should not be dependant on your employer.

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The robot pancreas and open insulin movements are coming.Diabetus as a profit centre has its days marked.

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I thought that it was named for Civil War heroes who were strung out on other opiates. Heroin was supposed to be a morphine addiction cure, according to 1870's Big Pharma.

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Best thing ever for cracked hands.

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At 5000 feet you can't heat water above 203F. That's enormously less likely to do damage than the 212F at sea level.

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Espresso comes out of my machine at 192F (right in the middle of the SCAA recommended temp range) and hasn't damaged me yet.

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Alternativley, you don't owe that clown second one of your time. Unfriend away- he almost certainly holds these dickhead opinions because they get him over with his equally dumb-as-stone friends, so you might as well sping clean your life and forget what he thinks.

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Gentrification is fucking poison.

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In the 1980s our hospital's CEO announced that the hospital was to be run like a business and patients were to be called customers. Quality healthcare was ditched in favor of profit and the size of administration sky rocketed.

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I'll see you The Who and raise you a UFO:


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You mean the same FB that allows me and people like me to keep in contact with relatives and friends WE CAN'T AFFORD TO SEE IN PERSON? That FB? The FB that publishes fascist propaganda that people are too stupid to figure out is fascist propaganda? The same FB that told 90 million people not to vote in 2016? Oh, wait. They didn't. It's FB's fault that people are stupid and easily led. Got it.

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No, it's the perfect description of the DNC.

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And if they come up with something valuable..they don't get rich, but their professors sure do. Happened at Northwestern University while I was working there.

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