And honestly -- would YOU admit having sex w/ a human-sized piece of shit?

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Or blind, and he gave a fake name.

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As all men know, protection starts w/ P-R-O.

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rickie, you've got some 'splaining to do.

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Good enough for a Faux News lead-in: "Some say that Rick Perry..."

(My money says they'll pass on doing the "fair and balanced" schtick with Perry.)

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And credible - don't forget how incredibly credible they're going to be.

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Needz moar Larry Flynt

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Given that people hate Muslims and atheists less than the Tea Party, could stuff like this and Michelle's gaffs destroy the GOP? Well...maybe not destroy..maybe rebooted as a principled organization?

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The list of who hasn't been screwed by Perry might be shorter.

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Na-aaa-aa. None of them can be moo-oooved to testify.

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I'm curious about the "Leaf Salad" expenses on the .pdf attached to the letter linked to above.

"Campaign" food expenses less than $20 each are always suspicious. Single meals generally aren't legitimate expenses - they are often chisling (see "Santorum, Rick").

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