Charlie and his ilk are really pathetic and sad. And nothing they say actually makes a damn bit of sense if you try to parse it out. Maybe his mother once told him she wished she'd had an abortion instead of having him.

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The irony is that Charlie is their plan to gather the “youth” vote.

The best is that the “youth” movement turning point events are filled with blue hairs

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Charlie, you can control women's reproductive rights when they get to control yours.

It's pretty easy: Charlie, do not, ever, ever, ever, reproduce. You are a contaminant in the gene pool.

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It was a beautiful concert moment when Taylor Swift shared with the sold out arena that she would 'proudly be voting for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in 2024!' Lovely! 💙

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"We also, if we had political machinery"

Yeah, control (barely) of the House of Representatives , 28 State legislatures and 26 Governors. If <i>only</i> you poor downtrodden white assholes had "some sort of political machinery"


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KIRK: Taylor Swift, I think she put up one voter registration link and she registered millions and millions …


He says that like it’s a bad thing. I guess he doesn’t understand that young women want the ability to make their own choices about their lives. CHOICE. That’s the key word.

Also go look up Chip from The Muppets. He has a certain Charlie Kirk vibe.

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Isn't a Swift abortion the compromise? As soon as you know you are pregnant, swiftly go get an abortion before the 6/12/15/whatever week ban kicks in

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KIRK: We also, if we had political machinery, we would be able to maximize turnout for pro-life Catholics and pro-life Christians.

When did Catholics not identify as Christian? Are there other pseudo-Christians? Are they not pro-life?

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Ohh the Talibangelicals have held that the Catholics are pagan servants of Satan for hundred of years.

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I keep saying this: the evangelicals do NOT consider Catholics to be real Christians. They are perfectly happy to make use of them, but they believe Catholics are apostates destined for hell.

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I think Charlie is just lonely. If some of those Swifties would acknowledge he exists that might change the dialogue. Or he could go professional "Dr. Ruth has moved from sex therapist to a new role: NY’s first loneliness ambassador", but isn't that the same thing? It is in Pornhub and interchangeable with Step Moms

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"All Swifties want is swift abortions." So silly. Of course they want other things as well. Like swift boats.

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And for men like Charlie to swiftly get the hell away from them.

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“What if this is it? What if your movement is literally dying out, and every day you are more and more and more and more and more irrelevant and expendable and just basically ignored forever?”

So much this.

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I've tried to listen to this stale jizz-ball on occasion, and it's brutal. Can't figure out how the magats are able to tune in and not have their heads explode.

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I still contend that, if any of these jizz-balls were sitting next to a MAGAt in a bar, said jizz-ball would be pounded to a pulp within five minutes.

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Puzzled by this myself. Must be because they really do believe the same things he believes. I'd say God help them but it would be hypocritical. Last thing I really want is for God to help them.

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“They want to make sure that they can get abortions. It is the top priority for young female voters,” he says.


Sure, it would be easy just to say that Charlie Kirk is a dumbass with a giant empty head, who talks a bunch of shit because he gets paid a pile of money -- but that take, while accurate, lacks nuance.

Conservatives shoot themselves in the foot every time they get in the voting booth.

In every election, they repeatedly, over and over, vote for demonstrably worse lives -- lower wages, underfunded schools, poisoned environment, crumbling infrastructure -- because Tucker told them to, or because they'd rather burn it to the ground than see one of THOSE PEOPLE (if you know who I mean) see any improvement in their lives, or they don't want to raise their taxes because the blue states prop them up anyway, or whatever the god damn nonsense reason.

The other thing conservatives do constantly is project.

So, is it possible that Bubblehead is projecting here, and is actually surprised that women didn't ignore their own self-preservation, because everyone HE knows does it?

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“They want to make sure that they can get abortions. It is the top priority for young female voters,” he says.

I recently read an excerpt from an article the other day, which I will paraphrase here:

"My Grandmother turned 21 in 1916. She couldn't vote, because women were not legally allowed to vote in those days. She never forgot that.

My Mother bought a house in 1974. She had to have *her* father co-sign the loan, because the bank refused to lend to women in those days. She never forgot that.

When I started college, my professors told me that women were not smart enough to pass their curriculum. I never forgot that.

When I graduated college, my parents told me that I could be anything I wanted to be -- and since most of the legal barriers against women had been taken down by then, I believed them.

Then the Dobbs decision dropped, and took away our rights to our own bodies. We will never forget that."

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tl;dr: "Women for some reason are refusing to be complicit in their own dehumanization. This makes my wee wee sad."

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Also, Taylor Swift makes his wee wee even wee-er. Shrinks and retreats like a scared waddle turtle. That is why they all hate Mr. Sportsball Boyfriend. He must not be a real Man(tm) if his wee wee doesn’t retract into his body cavity at the sight of Scawy Taywor…

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