Seems "The United States of America" is an oxymoron.

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ACLU might be good.

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Jade Helm! Agenda 1776!!

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Not to mention the massive number of warrants for misdemeanor offenses, and even for petty cites that go unpaid and pile up. It's systemic, this garbage...

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Live Updates8 mins agoWith more than 85 per cent of the votes counted, Doug Jones has just taken the lead - but the vote is far too close.

oh jeezus

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Jones WON!!!!

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shoulda stayed with the first one

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Yeah, but how many fucks do you think Haley selectively has to give?

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I did it in Maryland from the 2006 general election ( this was the year MD rolled out their "electronic voting machines" during the primaries, and it was an unmitigated disaster - hearing about it, I signed up - mostly to learn about the machines ) through the 2012 elections - and manpower was so short, I went from "floor judge" ( basically escorting voters to the machines and giving them last second instruction ) to "chief judge" ( responsible for signing off on all operations at a precinct ) in 3 elections. It was really trial by fire.

I was "lucky" - especially lucky the first year I agreed to be a "chief judge" - the county election board director assured me that, even tho' it was to be my first election as a "chief judge", she would pair me with an experienced chief judge ( in MD, each precinct has two chiefs - one Dem, one Rep ) - but, when Election Day rolled around and I met my counterpart, she was just as much a "rookie" as I was. We made it - the worst part was the hourly audit reports, where we had to make sure that we had recorded ( on 13 machines, in our precinct ) the same number of votes as went through voter registration verification ) - but that went without a hitch, despite a lot of angst about it.

I get to admit I worked both Obama elections - but that "triumph" is tempered by the fact that, altho' our county, and the state of Maryland, went for Obama both times - the precinct I worked went Republican both times ( McCain, Romney ).

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Again - GREAT! But all this fuckery should have been addressed BEFORE the election ( okay - expecting the Homewood, AL police dept to be the subject of a civil rights suit BEFORE the election is a long shot - but maybe the whole idea of "pre-approval" may have had some kinda damper on this type of behavior ).

The Homewood, AL police chief deserves to serve a jail sentence.

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Really, KM? Does this shit happen in Maryland? or Massachusetts? Does anyone really KNOW? Where the hell is the large-scale, longitudinal ( i.e., long-term ) investigations and studies of this behavior - and why the hell isn't it trumpeted from the airwaves everyday during the runup to elections of any sort ( i.e. special or general ).

These fuckers get away with it, because we say "Shit happens!". Show me a Congressman - or even a Congressional candidate - who has paid more than lip service to the idea that this country disenfranchises, not only minorities, but whomever the "ruling party" deems to be "undesirable", for whatever reason.

Fuck this shit about "states rights" and that they get to decide election procedures ( let alone actual enforcement ). Federalize it all - let the fucking bigits and Republicunts try to game THAT system.

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I know that - I was deliberately trying to avoid criticizing YOUR post - I applaud it.

But, while you say only the parties have the info to "effectively" monitor this shit, I'm saying that national media have the resources to do a better job at it - but they don't bother. Anything beyond the "horse race" is something they don't want to waste their time on ( unless, of course, it's their "analysts" chewing over the horse race later )....

I'm only one guy, too - and I have only "anecdotal data", too - but, goddamit, I see no organized investigation of electoral fraud - not the right-wing "voter fraud" crap, but the institutionalized bullshit ( like rumors of cops checking for warrants, like "poll watchers" pledging to prevent voter fraud, like all that bullshit... ) that comes down - why doesn't that get more coverage, and hopefully more attention...

I think that's it - most American voters don't pay attention - unless, of course, it's them being disenfranchised. It's always "the other guy..." ( whether or not the other guy is a minority, or just another dumfuck ), so who cares.

Anyway - there ARE a lotta people who make "compendiums of social media posts" over elections - but why are our national media so ineffective in doing so and turning it into credible reportage?

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oh, for sure! I didn't mistake your meaning, I was more just putting it out there 'cause it makes my journalist brain twitchy to put up a lot of rumor even if it's useful or important and I'm maybe clarifying a lot.

Which might itself be an answer. When it's timely you can't verify it, and once it's verified it's not timely anymore.

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well, we know it because every election we see it. There aren't studies because it doesn't serve the interests of anyone with either the money to fund them or the power to direct the money to fund them to have the studies done.

They get away with it because nobody's entirely sure how the system works, much less what's wrong with it. That's how most everyone in the whole media told everyone Hillary had a lock. Now we have Trump. There's not just one problem.

But it's not on air because it doesn't get clicks. out of the stories I try to sell, I have five times as much success if it's tied to today's news. Which means election stories are popular for a couple weeks, near the election. Chicken/egg and consumption/interest.

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