If I were an interviewer and one of these conniving idiots started with the :Dems murder full-term babies" BS, I would just stop the interview: "Senator, there is nothing we could hear from you that won't be stupid. Adios."
The Republican Party has this whole training program to teach their elected officials how to answer all sorts of questions and which techniques work best with which cable news hosts.
Somehow, Tim Scott's evite always gets lost on the aether. Don't know why. Probably some internet connection thingie.
My bet is on a dark horse candidate. One that is just as skeevy and delusional as TFG, but also an unabashed ass-kisser. Plus he's got experience running a company.
Little Marco seems the most obvious choice, since Trump has already dominated and humiliated him previously. Tim Scott, though, being black, might sway some of the NOTA voters who don't actually pay attention to issues and policies.
Except I can't see trump actually having a Black man, or any woman, actually on the ticket as his running mate. He was very reluctant to have Pence because of the religion thing which I think he regretted. So straight white male who will follow his orders it is. Luckily there are lots of those to choose from too!
His regret was letting Pence have a phone and knowing Dan Quayle's phone number. It still blows my mind that we have fucking Dan Quayle to thank for that.
Charles Koch picked the last one, it was as close as he could get him to the presidency. There is even an interview where he says he spent 100 mil (Or whatever amount and could not get his preferred candidate.)
I feel like it's going to be the most "who?" person of all time. Some meh dude you've never heard of, who's just sort of rando--happy to be there and all, but again, nobody most of us have ever heard of. He (and it will be a man) will be some banally evil conservative type--the kind who hasn't made too many waves and who thinks of himself as an "old-style" republican. Perhaps a mayor from a mid-sized city? A not-totally draconian AG? A state senator who usually pulls in a handful of conservative dem voters?
I'm really confident that when it's announced, there will be a zillion non comments here along the lines of "WHO NOW?" and then a handful of people who are like, "he was our representative here in the Nebraska statehouse I think?"
I can't say this about any other VP pick, but I remember when she was picked because we were having a lovely weekend in the mountains with my sister and brother in law, and it was raining, and we were in our place playing cards and having a lovely time with the news on in the background, and then everyone was all "WHO?"
Pence was instantly recognizable to us olds who remember the late, great Doghouse Reilly, the Indiana blogger whose "Bats left, Throws Right" was for years the go-to for anyone curious about where that stench in Indianapolis came from. No, it was not the Indians sports ball team, nor even a giant tire fire, as many surmised.
“I just reject the whole premise of this idea of wealthy donors…people that were there yesterday are all people that were job creators.”
“Excuse me, Mr. Bezos? Did you notice that you are sitting on a gigantic stack of money?”
“Oh my goodness, I didn’t notice that!”
“Yes, imagine how much job creating you could do with that.”
“I know! Well, let’s get on it right away! There are so many productive things that could be done with that, instead of sitting around making me richer. As if I could even do anything with more money! Let’s get this money circulating.”
Somewhere in the late 19th century, we realized that unbridled capitalism would destroy the country, yet here we are 120 years later giving it another chance. Stupid is what stupid does.
I don't know if any of them will please Fat Donnie enough. Trump's ideal VP has to be a true groveling boot licker. None of these people may fit the bill;. GOP leadership has absolutely no control over Trump. The God King calls all the shots. Displease him in the slightest and color yourself GONE.
If I were an interviewer and one of these conniving idiots started with the :Dems murder full-term babies" BS, I would just stop the interview: "Senator, there is nothing we could hear from you that won't be stupid. Adios."
But will they lose the vote of deplorables who hurt dogs?
Isn't that their base?
Ta, Michael. Great takes on these losers, but I'm not watching any of the video this close to bedtime.
Epstein is rested and ready and really available.
Tim Scott must think this ritual humiliation is worth it. If he had an ounce more shame … he would still round up to shameless.
The Republican Party has this whole training program to teach their elected officials how to answer all sorts of questions and which techniques work best with which cable news hosts.
Somehow, Tim Scott's evite always gets lost on the aether. Don't know why. Probably some internet connection thingie.
😆 He really is kind of bad at this. Which may be the only good thing one could say about him right now.
Where he excels is sucking up to Trump and that is the only criterion that matters to the great man anyway though. 🙄
My bet is on a dark horse candidate. One that is just as skeevy and delusional as TFG, but also an unabashed ass-kisser. Plus he's got experience running a company.
Devin Nunes, come on down!
I'm waiting for the Trump campaign to convince Marco to resign and move to another state only to then not put him on the ticket after all.
Then make him eat a worm out of the bait cooler.
I figure he'll make all the women applicants fuck him, the pick a nobody white guy.
this is my dream scenario.
Definitely on-brand!
Little Marco seems the most obvious choice, since Trump has already dominated and humiliated him previously. Tim Scott, though, being black, might sway some of the NOTA voters who don't actually pay attention to issues and policies.
Except I can't see trump actually having a Black man, or any woman, actually on the ticket as his running mate. He was very reluctant to have Pence because of the religion thing which I think he regretted. So straight white male who will follow his orders it is. Luckily there are lots of those to choose from too!
His regret was letting Pence have a phone and knowing Dan Quayle's phone number. It still blows my mind that we have fucking Dan Quayle to thank for that.
Not on my bingo card. Instead of going down in history as an idiot, Quayle will be remembered for playing a role in saving democracy.
*Miss Linsey bends over
Republicans will never vote for an African American. Probably not a woman either. They’re far too brainwashed for that.
Can you imagine them trying to envision Trump dying and dealing with a President Scott?
Somewhere, JD Vance is smiling.
and applying that emo eyeliner like it's 2006
It's permanent. It looked good on Michael Jackson and Prince.
Once they form a committee to pick a VP candidate, whoever is in charge of it will pick themselves. That's the Cheney method.
Don Jr. will be in charge of that committee.
Trump is not an over-cooked spaghetti like shrub was. He will pick the VP. himself and without bothering to read the background material
And he'll keep it secret until the convention for maximum ratings
So, if he drops dead a week before the convention...
Charles Koch picked the last one, it was as close as he could get him to the presidency. There is even an interview where he says he spent 100 mil (Or whatever amount and could not get his preferred candidate.)
I feel like it's going to be the most "who?" person of all time. Some meh dude you've never heard of, who's just sort of rando--happy to be there and all, but again, nobody most of us have ever heard of. He (and it will be a man) will be some banally evil conservative type--the kind who hasn't made too many waves and who thinks of himself as an "old-style" republican. Perhaps a mayor from a mid-sized city? A not-totally draconian AG? A state senator who usually pulls in a handful of conservative dem voters?
I'm really confident that when it's announced, there will be a zillion non comments here along the lines of "WHO NOW?" and then a handful of people who are like, "he was our representative here in the Nebraska statehouse I think?"
It was "Who the fuck is Sarah Palin?" in 2008 that set me on the trajectory which ultimately led me here.
I can't say this about any other VP pick, but I remember when she was picked because we were having a lovely weekend in the mountains with my sister and brother in law, and it was raining, and we were in our place playing cards and having a lovely time with the news on in the background, and then everyone was all "WHO?"
Speaker Mike! Speaker Mike!
Not a bad prediction! After all, that's what it was with Pence, who was not that well known when he was picked.
Pence was instantly recognizable to us olds who remember the late, great Doghouse Reilly, the Indiana blogger whose "Bats left, Throws Right" was for years the go-to for anyone curious about where that stench in Indianapolis came from. No, it was not the Indians sports ball team, nor even a giant tire fire, as many surmised.
You may be on to something. Kinda like what they did for Speaker. Although ever since approving aid to Ukraine he’s on the shit list.
If it's not one of the above, I'd thought it'd be one of the pretty anchors from one of the right wing media.
I believe you've nailed it. Almost as if you've gained understanding of the mind of Trump, Frightening isn't it?
Trump regurgitator.
This is terrifying!
“I just reject the whole premise of this idea of wealthy donors…people that were there yesterday are all people that were job creators.”
“Excuse me, Mr. Bezos? Did you notice that you are sitting on a gigantic stack of money?”
“Oh my goodness, I didn’t notice that!”
“Yes, imagine how much job creating you could do with that.”
“I know! Well, let’s get on it right away! There are so many productive things that could be done with that, instead of sitting around making me richer. As if I could even do anything with more money! Let’s get this money circulating.”
And that, kids, is how capitalism works.
Still flogging that “ job creators “ myth. Afraid of being called wealthy.
Somewhere in the late 19th century, we realized that unbridled capitalism would destroy the country, yet here we are 120 years later giving it another chance. Stupid is what stupid does.
I don't know if any of them will please Fat Donnie enough. Trump's ideal VP has to be a true groveling boot licker. None of these people may fit the bill;. GOP leadership has absolutely no control over Trump. The God King calls all the shots. Displease him in the slightest and color yourself GONE.
No Harvard educated Elise Stepsondick? I wanna see my Congressvermin step on a roomful of GOP dicks.
I only wasted enough time to click on Tim Scott embarrassing himself.
He seems really well prepared.
Tim Scott makes me doubt that the minstrel show is really a thing of the past, after all.