Maybe they should go sit with the Turd Emperor in his NY Courtroom/Prison Cell. Seems like maybe they're running short of tRump Farts (TM).

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"Go to prison and go to hell."

Wait, we're not allowed to advocate violence in the comments (which aren't allowed anyway), but you are allowed to advocate decades of torture followed by an eternity of torture? Is this going to be like that time you banned people for saying that genocide is bad just because the perpetrator of that genocide is Israel?

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They were apparently discomfited by having leftist (people who believe in civil and human rights) protestors in their neighborhoods. When they finally piss off Trump’s mob (and they will) there’s going to be a real “oh shit!” moment.

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Why are they arguing murder by a president is legal? 🫨🤪

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Merchan scheduled PABB for another contempt hearing next Wednesday. Boohoo.


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We should probably quit referring to our counterfeit money as "counterfeit money." Maybe go with "alternate currency," especially in the stores.

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This does count as taking notes of a criminal conspiracy, doesn't it?

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Ah. You have to love watching the Find Out phase with these fuckers.

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I love all of this looooooong time

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I’m curious how these electors get chosen? It’s pretty frightening that they could present a completely new group as though no one would really know. What if they had gotten their information out before the true electors. How does one know?

And understanding that would also help understand how these assholes thought that they could possibly get away with this.

I like how they all cry that the justice system is working against him when that’s exactly what it’s supposed to do when you’re a freaking criminal!

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I was curious about this too, and the National Archives has a good breakdown: https://www.archives.gov/electoral-college/electors

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That was awesome!! Thank you. But now it begs the question as to how someone can win the popular vote but not the electoral vote.

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Some small and thinly populated states have more than their share of electors. It's by design, actually. There may be a fix: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Popular_Vote_Interstate_Compact

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What, no joke about going to PHX metro and going to Hell being the same thing? Here's one, we hope to go to Dante's Hell because the bottom of it is frozen over!

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𝐼𝑡'𝑠 𝑎 𝑑𝑟𝑦 𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑜𝑛.

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Katie Hobbs had the "I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed"-tone during her accompanying address that mothers have just before devouring their young.

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Gotta point out that Eastman has been a flailing, desperate man for a long time. Don't forget that he decided that he needed to be put in the "pardon list" back when Trump was still technically President. That's a lot of knowledge of guilt.

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I wonder how it would go over if Jack Smith were to drop indictments on all the Congressional J6 conspirators the day after the election?

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I know I'd like it.

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"Word search puzzles". The people in the restaurant are looking at me.

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rat bastards

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LOL I don't think I've ever met (or known) someone with this many concurrent criminal trials.

"Tough on crime!" Well they're tough on crime records, doing their best to break them.

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I just saw some suggestion that the Supremes may just return the immunity case to the lower court/trial judge after all their delay. Who knows? More delay? All I know is ...




Edit: H.A.A.A.A.A.C.K.S.

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