Remember that one time when President Barack Hussein Hitler Obama was all, like, "Hey, ladies, how would you like it if your health insurance had to cover birth control, without copays, because all the doctor types say that is just good common sense, and it will be better for your health and your families and your pocketbook and everyone wins?" and the ladies (and friends-of-ladies who like to do sex with ladies) were all, "Yup, sounds good," and then America died because that was the WORST THING WHAT HAD EVER HAPPENED
My cousin, who had been considering the priesthood, decided instead to get married. That marriage didn't take; he got it annulled on the basis that the wife didn't understand what marriage involved, or something like that. My dad's line always was that he thought it much more likely that the guy who wanted to be a priest was the one who didn't understand marriage. (Our branch of the family is VERY not Catholic)
Oh, and funniest: when my sister was getting divorced, my VERY Catholic friend actually said with a straight face, "I wonder what they would do if they were Catholic and they knew their marriage was forever."
What if you work for a Christian Scientist? No medical care at all.
And if your employer's a Jehovah's Witness, no transfusions for you, buddy, sorry about that. You'll have to just bleed out and go to Heaven. And please don't spend any of your paycheck on meat, either.
Rastafarian employers may of course subsidize ganja for employee use.
Today is the NY Times's periodic prescheduled Oh, Let's Take Back the Discourse, Now That the GOP Has Totally Directed It for a Month Day.
See also this shockeroo: IRS probes in Ohio into rightwing organizations claiming nonprofit status were motivated by the fact that said organizations were, er, not exactly really nonprofit.
Not that I'm not grateful to the NYT for actually reporting this stuff, unlike everyone else, but sheesh.
A nice little piece of irony - a billboard close to the St. Louis University campus had, until recently, carried an ad shouting about religious freedom and healthcare. It is now advertising the Gay Pride Festival.
My cousin, who had been considering the priesthood, decided instead to get married. That marriage didn't take; he got it annulled on the basis that the wife didn't understand what marriage involved, or something like that. My dad's line always was that he thought it much more likely that the guy who wanted to be a priest was the one who didn't understand marriage. (Our branch of the family is VERY not Catholic)
Oh, and funniest: when my sister was getting divorced, my VERY Catholic friend actually said with a straight face, "I wonder what they would do if they were Catholic and they knew their marriage was forever."
Shorter: BLACK!!!
That's in case you convert to a nutty religion between surgeries. Which would be bad timing.
They might have a hard time finding a full complement of Catholic employees who don't use contraceptives.
We're half-way there!
What if you work for a Christian Scientist? No medical care at all.
And if your employer's a Jehovah's Witness, no transfusions for you, buddy, sorry about that. You'll have to just bleed out and go to Heaven. And please don't spend any of your paycheck on meat, either.
Rastafarian employers may of course subsidize ganja for employee use.
Today is the NY Times's periodic prescheduled Oh, Let's Take Back the Discourse, Now That the GOP Has Totally Directed It for a Month Day.
See also this shockeroo: IRS probes in Ohio into rightwing organizations claiming nonprofit status were motivated by the fact that said organizations were, er, not exactly really nonprofit.
Not that I'm not grateful to the NYT for actually reporting this stuff, unlike everyone else, but sheesh.
No kidding. And calling attention to it <i>tramples</i> on their religious freedom, so please stop.
A nice little piece of irony - a billboard close to the St. Louis University campus had, until recently, carried an ad shouting about religious freedom and healthcare. It is now advertising the Gay Pride Festival.
SLU is a Catholic institution.