A healthy nation would treat her with antipsychotics and CBT, not give her a podium and tell her that her delusional rambling is both correct and important.
Not to cast stones, my nation wouldn't do anything different.
Please review the rules. We aren't allowing the suffix t-a-r-d anymore; we never should have, but we've only recently added it to the word filter. No harm, no foul, but please avoid it in the future.
— Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator
A healthy nation would treat her with antipsychotics and CBT, not give her a podium and tell her that her delusional rambling is both correct and important.
Not to cast stones, my nation wouldn't do anything different.
Why didn't the audience jeer her for being "woke" when she expanded mermaids to the more inclusive 'water people'?
See, dreams are nonsensical!
I think Amanda Grace might have a mental illness. She should get help
She’s downright terrifying
Someone should do that with a duck and an alligator and just like dump it at the creation museum
Ms. grace is delusional and might benefit from a mental health intervention, but I doubt anyone loves her enough to tell her so. Ta, Robyn.
Sorry... when I see CBT my mind says "Cock and ball torture".
I don't know about Reverse Davos, but Reverse Davros is the one where the Daleks are the good guys and The Doctor is the villain.
Unfortunately, probably shooting people.
So, substantially more coherent than Trump🌊
Please review the rules. We aren't allowing the suffix t-a-r-d anymore; we never should have, but we've only recently added it to the word filter. No harm, no foul, but please avoid it in the future.
— Dok Zoom, Yr Friendly Neighborhood Comments Moderator
You beat me to it. They are not to be FAFO’d with.
She has a voice like a stereotypical Jewish mother. Yes, I did briefly listen. I do not have your fortitude Robyn!