argle bargle blue states bad.

they really have nothing else, do they?

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I’ll mention this again. A couple filing jointly with a TAXABLE (after deductions) income of $100,000 would owe less in state income tax in California than a comparable couple in Utah, Idaho, Oregon, or Colorado.Easy explanation: Utah has a flat income tax rate, 4.95%. Easy math for the Utah couple; their tax is $4,950. Colorado has a similar flat tax rate. Idaho and Oregon tax lower incomes at higher marginal ratesThe California rate for that couple is a bit under 3.9% or less than $3,900.Median California family income is a bit below $78,000.California does, as we all know, tax high incomes at higher rates, but middle incomes benefit from a progressive system with lower rates on lower incomes.

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Oh, they have some other things:

Non-white people bad.

Upptiy wimmin who actually want equal pay, autonomy, orgasms, and freedom from harassment bad.

Poor people bad, because they chose to be poor.

TAXES SUPER-DOUBLE-PLUS-UNGOOD BAD!!!1! (unless all the benefits which taxes pay for go to reactionary white men, of course.)

Oh, I forgot: Yuri girls and yaoi boys bad.

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I'm glad one of these whiny California conservatives, or in this case CA transplant, left instead of just talking about it. Maybe they will finally learn that California at least attempts to provide for it's people compared to throw depopulated interior states. Preferably they can take the rest with them.

Also the mountains and beaches are pretty nice too.

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"Escaped Communism, Returned home to FREEDom!" and "CALIFORNIA SUCKS!!!"

Translation from Wingnuttese to English: "I moved to California thinking I was going to be a movie (or rock) star, because I was the best looking (most talented) in my high school of 300 people. I got out there, and found out nobody gave a shit about me, AND the rent is too damn high (because so many people want to live in California). I am now returning to South Dakota, and pretending it was MY choice, and not that the market had spoken, and that the market had kicked me right in the ass."

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Tulare is scary.

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You know one of the most important criteria Mi¢ro$oft used in selecting a site for a data center (besides access to fiber)? A robust water supply for cooling.

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True for income taxes. But we have pretty high sales taxes, as well as high fees for all sorts of things that are functional necessities. It's not untrue to say that we have high taxes. But we get plenty for our money, and are largely okay with that.

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Orgasms are bad because that’s how wimmin get knocked up with unwanted babbies and have to feticide them in the womb. If no orgasm, no babby! That’s the woman’s way of shutting that whole process down, or something, said more than one elected Republican man.

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My two eldest daughters moved from the East coast to California. I've been to visit them both, and I totally get it.

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I wonder if this person has experienced a South Dakota winter. I remember one winter when living in California. Spent all day December 27th at the beach surfing.

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Palin 2.0.

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Weather is the best in the country. It is pricey indeed. Living on the street actually beats living in homes elsewhere. --Formerly homeless San Diegan

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It's all relative: winter in San Diego might have low of 50-55 and high of 72; summer lows in 60's and high of 80. Maybe once every 2 months or so you get a light morning mist. It can be almost 10 degrees warmer in the summer.

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And if you go to the grocery store without a bag, you'll have to buy a really durable plastic one that will probably last a year for 10 whole cents. That's communism!

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